xxx2 - [voice/action for Violet City PokeMart]

Oct 10, 2011 17:16

[See Satoshi. See Satoshi contentedly work part-time in Violet City forever.

Yes, he and his sister have totally been there for the majority of their stay, taking on part-time jobs in order to boost their wallets. Satoshi, honestly, would have rather liked for his sister to stay comfortably somewhere, but she insisted on working as well. And as ( Read more... )

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foolishwren October 11 2011, 06:42:31 UTC
I skipped it and went back later.

Won't do you any harm.

[... Of course, she skipped it because she LOST the first time and then got run out of town by ghost Pokemon and a looming police warrant before she could challenge him again but HAHAHA HE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT.]

Anyway, I'd stay.

Good luck finding other people who think that, though.


patsheads October 12 2011, 00:57:05 UTC
Ah, okay...I just don't want my sister to get too bored and I heard the place is kind of tough, so....

[He trails off. And then makes a thoughtful noise.] They probably just get harder though, right....? Ahahaha, I guess I'm no good as a trainer.

[He nods at Heather's answer, smiling gently.]

...I'd probably stay too.


foolishwren October 12 2011, 12:59:24 UTC
Eh. Depends. I wiped the floor with the Leader's FACE at the second gym because I had a type advantage. First one? Much harder in comparison. [It paid to have a fire starter when you fought with Bugsy.]

And... huh. You're one of the first people who's said that.


Sorry, life hates me patsheads October 18 2011, 22:54:10 UTC
Oh, umm...what kind of type did you have? [His are mainly psychic....huh.

He laughs at the last question, albeit it's a nervous one.]

Ahahaha...well, if my sister was still at home, I guess I'd need to go back,'s kind of nice here.

[No relatives to strike at you for cursing your house with their presence. No villagers to shun you while you were expected to smile and accept your fate. And most importantly, Satoko smiled.]


foolishwren October 19 2011, 05:05:06 UTC

[Heather has a ... thing with fire.]

But no, I agree.

I'm staying, too. [... She says that like she has a choice. But yeah, she can relate to things being... not ideal at home.]


patsheads October 23 2011, 20:59:08 UTC
[He smiles. His mind isn't in such bad shape anymore, not with the Hinimizawa Syndrome taken from his body, but the thought of his home makes it a tired, drained sort of smile all the same.]

Ahahaha...I didn't think anyone else would say that.

But, umm....thanks. I guess I don't feel so weird anymore.


foolishwren October 24 2011, 07:02:57 UTC
It's not weird.

Some people just... don't have anything to go back to.

[She has a grand total of one person waiting at home who she actually felt bad about leaving behind. That's it. One person. No places, no possessions... well, okay. She misses her guns and katana. But that's it. Everything else just feels so... faraway, now. She has no desire to go back.]


patsheads October 30 2011, 21:22:38 UTC
[...Maybe it's the way she said it, but...

...He gets the feeling she understands.]


...I'm Satoshi. Satoshi Houjou. Umm...can I ask what your name is?


foolishwren November 2 2011, 02:28:01 UTC
Sup, Satoshi.

I'm Heather.


patsheads November 2 2011, 03:54:42 UTC
Ahh...that's a western name, isn't it?

It's really pretty.


foolishwren November 2 2011, 06:34:53 UTC
[Unexpected compliment, get!]

[Heather sounds a little surprised, but not displeased.]

Yeah? Heh, thanks. I think so, too.

[She'd picked it for that reason, when she'd had to change her name.]


patsheads November 3 2011, 15:52:42 UTC
[He's just a nice guy like that.]

That's good. It's nice to meet you, Heather. You sound like you're pretty far ahead of him, but, umm...I hope I get to meet you one day.


foolishwren November 4 2011, 22:51:09 UTC
It's surprisingly easy to run into people in Johto. I'm sure it'll happen at some point.


patsheads November 9 2011, 16:58:14 UTC
Hahaha....I'll look out for you then, Heather.


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