south african baitball team #1

Oct 02, 2012 13:34

Predators in the baitball, Wild Coast, South Africa

Nikon D300 + Nikkor 12-24mm, strobes Sea&Sea YS-250 x 2

Location on Google Maps

Wikipedia article

Baitball action is like big orchestrated show, there every specie plays it's designated role. It is teamwork and competition simultaneously, which provides infinite possibilities for photographer to study and capture interaction between animals which are not easy to observe in other circumstances. I always wanted to publish photo-theme featuring individual "players from baitball team" - discussing their roles - and to present photos from past in new, 1150px wide format.

Photo above was taken during rare circumstances in 20 meter visibility - on that day I spent 2 hours blowing two air tanks. Later this image was acquired by BBC and placed on the cover of book and DVD of "Nature Great Events" series - - narrated by Sir David Attenborough himself ! ^_^

dolphins, sharks, week017, south africa, bait ball

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