Alcyonaria and the world of life under village jetty, Airborei Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 10.5mm + Pro One Dome Port + Sea&Sea YS-250 x 2 strobes
this image is not cropped, slight exposure correction in Adobe Lightroom
Location on Google Maps Wikipedia Reference I'm starting 8th week in the thematic cycle with this colorful alcyonaria and the school of anchovies taken under the pier of Airborei island jetty in Raja Ampat. After spending too much time in the monochromatic pelagic world of dolphins and sharks sometimes for the change it's good fun to go to the place like this and enjoy best coral variety in the world. Image is not cropped and post-processing limited to the slight exposure correction - so you can see how beautiful healthy natural environment can be ! ^_^