Apr 30, 2004 03:39
going home tomorrow after Joelle gets outta class, gonna take some of my shit home cause there is no way that its all going to fit in one trip. we are going to a michelle branch concert friday night at niagara university then saturday i hope to take the dogs up to a family friend's house to run around. saturday night there is a party at one of my brother's friends house so im going to go up there. they are going to have 4 live bands playing and there is goign to be a chicken bbq and salt potatos. wanted to spend some time with my best friend, but he already has plans that night so that fucks that up. i wanted to bring my friend ryan home but i forgot that im going to the concert with Joelle. its going to be an interesting weekend i believe.
so im thinking about becoming a teacher. why? i really dont think ill make it threw law school... pretty much the only reason. im lazy and very unmotivated and me mixed with law school, which i know would be a shit load of work... just wouldnt be good. id love to be a lawyer, id love to be a district attorny like my dad... but im pretty sure i wouldnt be able to do the work.
im not sure if im exicted about summer or no... i mean, its nice to go home and see my friend, but then i have to work... (back to the lazyness) i mean, i sure as hell would rather sit in a classroom learning something then sitting on a fucking lawnmower all day being yelled at by a stupid fat idiot. in one of my friends journal, there was a question about what would you change about yourself if you could.i would change my laziness and i wish i could be motivated by something.
one thing really need to do is get back in shape. i did such a great job and getting the weight off and keeping it off for over a year, now one year at cortland and all that work goes down the drain. i blame both myself and cortland's shitty food. pretty much everything here is fried or just not healthy, and the healthy foods are soo damn expensive. then there is my lazyness and lack of motivation. i mean i could be a really good looking guy (at least i think so) if i just went to the gym a few times each week.