Supernatural: Magic and Illusions

Jan 26, 2009 10:56

Last week's Supernatural was yet another good episode. Sorry it took me a little while to post this blog.

I was curious about this episode from the moment I heard the title. It turned out to be an interesting episode and I really enjoyed it. I’ve loved Barry Bostwick for years, and I was amused to see the man who used to be in charge of Wolfram and Hart turn out to be the bad guy (who knew?) of course, by that time he had turned into the PI from House.

Just a warning, I’m writing this as I’m watching the episode again, so this may get really rambly. That’s usually what happens when I write reviews while watching the episode. I apologize.

I loved the Jeb Dexter character, who was this episode’s equivalent to Criss Angel. It was amusing seeing the reaction to him, how the worked the title into the episode, everyone referring to him as a “douche bag.” I really liked that they even managed to throw a reference to Criss Angel in there, in keeping with the title of the episode.

Note to self: Sam was a magic fan. That seems ironic in some way.

Dean’s meeting with “The Chief” was beyond hysterical, Dean’s reaction (and Jensen’s acting) were perfect as he realizes what’s going on. I especially loved the gagging as the guy mentioned safe words.

I thought once Sam finally came clean about his time with Ruby he and Dean would be on the same page again. However, he and Ruby proved me wrong already. I don’t understand why he feels he still has to sneak around behind Dean’s back. This is Dean’s fight too, and he knows the sneaking around is only going to piss him off, a lot. This really bothers me. Maybe because I don’t like anything coming between my boys, but I really don’t like seeing Sam lying to his big brother.

I loved how the boys weren’t able to fool the older magicians. Most people don’t hesitate to believe them, but not these two.

“Sammy, it ends bloody or sad, that’s just the life.”

This bothered me a little bit too. Dean still has no hope for a decent life, or anything normal. Sam however, hasn’t quite given up. He doesn’t want to die young … again. I know I don’t want to think about them dying young. I would like this show to end with them happy, alive and growing old. However, I wouldn’t doubt if Kripke has other plans. Hasn’t Jared himself said he’d like to see them go out in a blaze of glory?

At this point, I’d just like to point out that I cannot believe Sam and Dean did not check the closet in the room first. Come on boys, even I thought that one was obvious.

“See, the thing about real magic is it’s a lot whole like crack, people do surprising things once they get a taste of it.”

Anyone else feel like he wasn’t just talking about the bad guy in this episode? Even Sam noticed it, from the way he looked at Dean while he was talking.

I think what I really loved about this episode is that I didn’t suspect what was really going on until the end, when it was all revealed. I was suspicious of Charlie at first, but then he died so I assumed that meant it had to be Vernon.

“He’s been on the road his whole life, probably everything he owns is in this room.”

Sound like anyone else we know?

What was the card Jay had given to Charlie? I’m not very familiar with Tarot and the stupid CW logo was covering up the name of the card.

I felt really bad for Jay in the end of this episode. It’s the first time I can think of where the innocent they saved (or I guess, in this case he saved himself) isn’t better off than before meeting the boys. Usually the people they save are happy, or grateful, but Jay is just more lonely than ever.

Overall I really enjoyed this episode. I don't think it's going to be added to my favorites list or anything, but it was a good, solid episode. It also served as a catalyst for Sam to make the decision to go on the offensive and go after Lilith, not just sit around and wait for her to keep opening seals. I just wish Sam and Dean had made this decision together, not Sam and Ruby. I have a feeling this is going to lead to trouble between Sam and Dean down the road.

Other Favorite Moments:

“Any luck trailing Jay?”
“He slipped me.”
“He’s a 60-year-old.”
“He’s a magician.”

“Not so fast! I ain’t Guttenburg and this ain’t Cocoon.”

Next Week: Sam and Dean’s old high school? This is gonna be good!
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