Well, I made it there, so I guess I can make it anywhere, right?

Sep 08, 2004 20:54

I took my first pass of the year to visit NYC for the weekend. Coincidentally enough I ran into this frigging hot redhead on the street. I can't believe how much we had in common--we'd even rented the same hotel room!

Friday we ate at TGI Friday's and wandered Times Square. Saturday we hit up the Met, central park, and then went to see RENT. Neither of us had ever seen it before, but both of us liked it. C'mon, Scary Spice was in it, how could you go wrong?

Sunday we went shopping in SoHo, but never actually bought anything (perhaps for the best). We played the tourist and saw the Empire State Building (the lines suck, trust me), and then got a fairly early dinner of Indian Food. It was a good meal despite the fact that our overzealous waiter served a sizable portion of my meal to my new sweater (courtesy of aforementioned red-head).
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