(no subject)

May 02, 2005 21:18

Well this is the 10th day in a row I've watched playoff basketball, I just can't get enough.
Tomorrow is Game 5 for the Pistons, time to close this shizzle out and move on to the next round. I'll be there no doubt about it.

I got a ticket last month for, "failing to yield another pulled over vehicle." HOW LAME seriously.

*Flashback begins*

I was driving home on White Lake Road....and there was a car pulled over to my right, anyways it was at the TOP of this hill, so I didn't yield to the other lane because I couldnt see what was on the otherside of the hill. Cop see's Alex not yielding and proceeds to follow his car. Cop gets right in Alex's ass, so Alex bashes his breaks, not knowing it was a cop (hey just cuz your a cop doesn't mean you can drive in ppl's aces!)....Cop pulls Alex over. Alex thinks about hitting his NOS button but proceeds to pull over.

*Flashback ends*

I got a ticket for it, but hey I would rather take the ticket then hitting somebody head on and possibly dying?! So I'm fighting this ticket and I setup a court date for later this month. It's nuts I can't leave the state of michigan until then, no CANADA, no italy, no nothing! I think the cop took my license too and kept it WTF!

Back to bball,

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