FUCK CANCER! - Team Blixa

Jun 21, 2012 08:28

Blixa is a 4 year old boy who was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. He is the son of Sluggo and Laurian Cawley, who also have a 7 year old named Dregen.

Sluggo is one of San Francisco's punk rock old guard as the guitar player in THE GRANNIES, started Wondertaker Records and has put out records for me and a few other local bands. Sluggo was in the band Hullabaloo through the 80's and in the 90's he formed AIN'T along with Laurian. The two of them also own a small framing business on Lombard Street.

Here is the deal, Blixa is facing 3 or more years of treatment and therapy, and that shit is fucking expensive, criminally expensive. In an effort to support Blixa there will be a series of events and fundraisers to offset some of the expense Sluggo and Laurian will be taking on. The first one will be this friday at The Uptown Club in Oakland, CA.

At the end of it Blixa will have spent half his life in treatment and even though it looks like he will be OK, at least physically, it will no doubt affect him in other ways, like being bummed out he can't wrestle and run around with his brother. It's been tough for them all watching this beautiful boy suddenly look like an old man after starting treatment.

So, if you can and would like to donate there are a few ways to do so. There are some awesome "FUCK CANCER" t-shirts available here: http://goo.gl/qEyrj which will also be available at The Uptown this friday http://goo.gl/Y69G7 ....or even if you just need something framed go to FASTFRAME, 1700 Lombard St. and give Sluggo and Laurian the business because it will all be going to the same place.


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