Mar 14, 2010 16:42
For the 3rd time, I've got water dripping slowly in at my bedroom from the top of my bedroom window and seeping in at the bottom edge from the plaster around side and sill. (deep window in the wall, about 8").
The very first time this happened, I'd been living here a year and a half, in 2008. Since the condo was still under the builder's rule and many units waiting to be sold, it quickly sort of got fixed by repointing some of the brickwork outside. This lasted a short time, was redone outside and the inside recaulked and repainted.
All was well until this past Feb25 when, oh my, did I have a lot of water rain down inside in the same spots. That rain was driven by 50mph winds, so I wasn't too upset: it's an old building after all. I called 2 building committee members to witness the mess then cleaned it up. When warmer weather is here, outside work can be done. inside work will sensibly wait until the outer stuff is done.
Yesterday I left for a family gathering, staying overnight with my baby sister. Knowing heavy rain was predicted, I set up toweling (8 layers thick) along the window bottom. I returned at noon today to be glad I had done so, for the towels were quite wet but not dripping; they kept the carpeting dry. The draperies were fine as I'd tied them away from the drip area.
Curious as to how much water is dripping down, I placed a plastic pint container under where the drip lands and in 1 hour collected a little over an ounce ( measured: 1 Tblsp + 1 tsp). Had I not left the area prepared the rain, which was heavier over night, there'd have been at least approximately 3/4 to 1 cup of water collected.
It is still raining and is expected to go on for another day or so. Using my trusty hairdryer, I will blow the damp dry at bedtime, placing fresh towels on the sill and leaving the little bowl there.
Of course, the builder is no longer responsible for the repairs as we are now a self-governing condo association. And my apt is not the only one affected: at least 6 others, some in the central part and some in bldg#2 have had and are having the same problem. The building committee is working very hard at finding the where and why of the leaks. Roof leaks may be caused by roof snow-shoveling (Slits have been found) but the mortar work was so bad that as a condition of releasing the builder from running the condo, he was to have repointed all the troublesome areas. He said he did, but obviously hadn't done so completely, as the east wall would not be letting in water.
Thankfully, my wet spots are not as severe as at least 3 others, but if not cared for, could get that bad. Good thing I don't mind confronting folks!
condo blues