Title: Stereo Field
Author: normalhumanbein
Rating: R
Summary: The problem with cloning your dead girlfriend, Pete thinks, is that it's so hard to keep her from finding out.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, not even the computer this was typed on.
Notes: For
raverbear64 's prompt, "the stereotypical future - flying cars, human cloning is possible, etc.". Draws on Fahrenheit 451and Brave New World among others, but will work equally well if you don't know the references. Contains mentions of Pete/Jeanae, some genderfuckery and some substance abuse. Hand-holding, beta'ing and all-round excellence provided by
mumblemutter. The post was too long for lj to deal with, so is in two parts. However, they are both part of part one.
part one: one should say before sleeping