My #YesAllMen Pledge

May 29, 2014 22:00

I have been reading through #yesALLwomen threads and #notALLmen crap. I've been trying to think of what best I can contribute to move the ball forward. Here's my first step.
#YesAllMen Pledge

I recognize that misogyny is pervasive in our society. I recognize that circumstances and privilege make it hard for me to see all of the ways misogyny affects the lives around me (even my own life). It is with this in mind that I pledge:
  • I will believe you when you tell me you were victimized/diminished by misogyny;
  • I will strive to see misogyny so you will not even have to tell me;
  • I will call people on their misogynist behaviors/attitudes when I see it;
  • When you call me on my misogynist behaviors/attitudes, my first words will be acknowledgement and apology;
  • When you point out misogyny that I have missed, I will thank you and strive to see that form of misogyny and others like it from that moment forward; and
  • I will never attempt to justify misogynist behaviors/attitudes: even partly, even my own, and even when there are worse examples in the world.

Further, as a parent, I will strive to raise my children to do the same.

Every time misogyny is beaten back, wonderful fruits blossom in its place. How great it would be if the oppressed/repressed could freely contribute their gifts and talents into making this a better world.

Misogyny diminishes us all.

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