(no subject)

Aug 18, 2004 17:26

well i am over my sisters she just got power last night,and um we went to the libary and got lunch and stuff, i dont have school till next tuesday, which would be ok if i had something to do or at least had power,

they said everyone should have power by um saturday so i should be getting mine soon,

during the hurricane we were in the hallway watchin it was crazy, your would see like trees fly by, and some crazy people were walkin around with jackets on, there was nothing better to do

7 peroid scedule is alot harder then 4, i have so much home work and most of the time i am at at band after school practiceing till 930 10, i have to stay after monday tuesday wednesday, and we have games on friday so it is though but i will manage,

my classes are.........spaish, algerbra 2, english 3, band 3, marine sci, american hist, and band

spanish is the worst cause all she does is speak spanish and we arent allowed to speak english and i cant understand her.

band is pretty good but they are all about being percussionists, so i am stuck play mallets but it isnt that bad i learned most of my parts, i am better then like everyone here at the battrie parts which is good, when i showed them my solo i am working on they all went crazy, but sence i missed band camp i could not be on the line, i guess i always wanted to get good at mallets so it isnt that bad........

everyone around where i live where there inst power hangs out at eckerd cause they have power and they have like 10 sockets and everyone is chargeing there labtops and cell phones and grillin out, on sunday me and my dad watched kill bill 2 on a guys labtop with alot of other people it was pretty fun.
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