McHenry County Democratic Party Chair Tom Cynor invites the public to hear presentations by the party’s County Board Candidates at a “meet and greet” at the McHenry County Farm Bureau Building, 1102 McConnell Road, Woodstock from 6:45 to 7:30 on Wednesday, February 13.
The candidates will make brief introductory remarks and be available for questions from the audience. They include
Dr. James McTague (District 1), Kathleen Bergan Schmidt (District 3), Jeff Thirtyacre (District 4), Paula Yensen (District 5) and Darryl Frank and
Robert Ludwig (District 6.)
Each of these candidates won nomination in the Primary Election. The party may still caucus in candidates for other open County Board Seats.
The candidate presentations will precede the regular party business meeting at 7:30. The positive results of the primary election, in which 51% of voters cast Democratic ballots, and the upcoming County Convention are expected to be topics at the meeting.
For more information call 815 788-9540, e-mail
info@mchenrydems.com, or visit
www.mchenrydems.com .