Feb 06, 2008 18:35


Primary evening was more than usually busy for McHenry County Democratic Chair Tom Cynor.  Cynor was at the McHenry County Government Center awaiting the first election returns at 7 p.m. Tuesday when his wife Kathy called to tell him that labor contractions were beginning.

Helping the family out became a Democratic project.  Mary Margaret Maule, County Board District 4 Chair, drove down from Johnsburg to watch the Cynors’ five year old son Quinn.  Meanwhile at Northern Illinois Medical Center Dr. Mary Riggs, wife of former Democratic Chair Patrick Ouimet, was the delivering physician.

Although Cynor missed the Party’s results watching party at Govner’s Pub in Lake in the Hills, “we had CNN on during the delivery and I was able to keep track of the local races on the web at the Hospital… Baby girl Cynor (name still yet to be determined) was delivered when the California results were coming in from the West Coast (2:10 a.m.)”

The newest Cynor weighed in at 6.5 pounds and was 19.5 inches long.  “Mother and baby are doing well,” Cynor reported in an early morning e-mail to local Democrats, “Father, not so well (but that is nothing new)!”

Meanwhile local Democrats were enjoying their best primary results in memory.  33,421 county residents voted in the Democratic Presidential Primary.  31,211 took Republican ballots.  Democrats dominated across the county and out drew Republican candidates in almost all races. Proud papa Cynor said, “It really is the birth of a new day in McHenry County.”

photography, birmingham, mchenry county democrats, tom cynor

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