One of scores of MOVEON anti-filibuster rallies around the country.
Well, it’s over now. A bleary-eyed SENATE has voted not to end the filibuster against the
LEVIN-REED AMENDMENT to the DEFENSE DEPARTMENT budget allocation. The final vote was 52-47. Four REPUBLICANS-
CHUCK HAGEL (Nebraska,)
OLYMPIA SNOW (Maine,) and
SUSAN COLLINS (ditto) voted to end the debate and proceed to a majority vote on the amendment.
JOE LIEBERMAN (Turd, Connecticut) of course voted with the Repugnitans. But so did
HARRY REID himself-a parliamentary maneuver that allows him to resurrect the amendment for yet another vote.
TIM JOHNSON, still recovering from a stroke, was absent for the vote.
The DEMOCRATS thus picked up one GOP vote. But Collins, in a tough re-election race, said that she only voted to allow an up or down vote on the amendment but would have voted against the amendment itself. This is desperate, meaningless hair splitting since the amendment was doomed any way. And if it had come to a vote, it would have passed, even with her opposition.
Republicans whined that it was all just theater. That it was. But it is important theater. It required the parade of Bush loyalists to stand up and defend the indefensible. It also showed them up as obstructionists at a time when the overwhelming majority of American voters want Congress to take action to end this unpopular war.
Reid knows from bitter experience that the public does not appreciate the nuances of Senate tradition and have little patience for the hallowed tradition of the
FILIBUSTER as a means of thwarting the majority of the body. The GOP was able to use that repugnance to wipe up the floor with Democrats in the hotly contested judicial confirmations of the last Congress. Even though most voters disapproved of the kind of reactionary judges Shrub had sent to the Senate, they hated the obstruction more. Now it was Reid’s turn to rub the new minority’s nose in its own shit.
In recent years the filibuster has not much resembled
JEFFERSON SMITH’S lonely crusade-or even the epic rear-guard actions of the segregationist Democrats against the Civil Rights acts of the 1960’s. Instead it has been a carefully orchestrated dance in which the mere threat of a filibuster, when the votes are sure to sustain it, is enough to kill legislation or an appointment. That way no one actually has to put any effort into one.
But Reid has told the Minority that they must actually hold their “extended debate.” What is more he has threatened to bring the issue of ending the War back again and again with this amendment or with others-perhaps with
HILLARY CLINTON’S amendment to withdraw the Resident’s authority to wage the war under the original 2002 measure obtained under false pretences. There is also a pile-up of progressive legislation already passed by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that could be subject to the same strategy. How bad with the GOP look filibustering, say, children’s health insurance?
As for the Levin-Reed Amendment itself, it is far from the “bring-‘em-home-now” demands of much of the anti-war movement. It is centrist in every respect echoing many of the recommendations of the
IRAQ STUDY GROUP. It calls for a draw down of American troops beginning 120 days after passage, limiting remaining troops to missions against
AL-QAEDA-a provision repeatedly mocked by
JOHN McCAIN as requiring that they “wear t-shirts” identifying themselves-and training Iraqi forces. It also call for a diplomatic initiative with Iraq’s neighbors and mediation effort led by the
Yet even action this limited represents a strong rebuke to the CHENEY/BUSH/NEO-CON war machine. It would not stop the war, but it would put the breaks on and undoubtedly be followed by stronger measures. Reid’s aggressive tactics represent a break with Democratic timidity that can not be underestimated.
Like it or not, this war will not be ended in one fell swoop. Some sort of steady, controlled departure is the best that we can expect from Congress.
MOVEON recognized this, which is why it mobilized anti-filibuster actions around the country. They undoubtedly will be ripped as Democratic Party lackeys again. Ignore the criticism. Congretional Democrats are finally getting it right.