It was a beautiful day for a parade in CRYSTAL LAKE, neither scorching hot nor pouring rain. But the
McHENERY COUNTY PEACE GROUP was forced to sit on the sidelines of the annual GALA FESTIVAL PARADE after being banned by Gala officials. For details scroll down to previous stories.
Here are some photos.
Members gathered around the 17foot tall STATUE OF LIBERTY float parked in a friendly yard at Dole Ave. and Pierson Streets. That’s long time Peace Group leader LIBBY PAPPALARDO, husband BRIAN, and float creator NELSON BORELLI to the right. (Murfin photo)
NELSON BORELLI looked on as PATRICK MURFIN (that me, he said modestly), read from the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. (All following photos by CAROLYN QUINN)
ROB SMITH, proprietor of the dem-il-mchenry YAHOO! E-MAIL LIST, brought this message.
JACQUEE PIETRUCHA was so enthused, she joined the Peace Group on the spot. Another member gave her a Group shirt right off her back.
LADY LIBERTY on stilts was so happy to see her representation that she left the parade and strode into the yard to visit. She posed for dozen’s of pictures.
The Statue with signs.
A CONTINENTAL ARMY Color Guard with drummers paused to guard the statue.