Town Crier
IRIS BRYAN is an endangered species-a real nose-to-the-grindstone reporter with a passion for local news. With decades of experience behind her, Bryan has for years been keeping discerning McHenry County citizens, office holders and wannabes informed through her invaluable monthly newsletter the TOWN CRIER.
Focusing on the affairs of government in Crystal Lake, Algonquin and Nunda Townships, McHenry County, and other bodies including the McHenry County Conservation District and McHenry County College, Bryan does what the local daily press hardly bothers to do. She goes to the meetings. All of them. She stays to the end. She takes careful and detailed notes. And she knows all of the players-not just who they are and what they are doing this week, but all of their past histories and connections.
In the TOWN CRIER Iris lays out dense, detailed accounts of the proceedings of government and explains out the nuts-and-bolts of proposed ordinances and actions, not just thumbnail summaries endlessly repeated by rote familiar to readers of the local daily press. That makes her the go-to source for what is really going on in the area.
The recent February issue, for instance, leads with an exhaustive examination of the proposed Kishwaukee Valley Water Authority, the object of so much recent controversy and court action. Additional articles cover the proposed MCCD Open Space Referendum, an update on progress on the new Animal Control facility in Crystal Lake, and proposed revisions in the County Animal Control Ordinance. There is also coverage of local politics including a profile of Crystal Lake Mayoral challenger Lori Phillips. A “Bits ‘n’ Pieces” column reprints press releases and announcements of programs and activities of local groups.
Iris takes care that her coverage is both scrupulous and fair. I have known her for years and would characterize her personal politics as an endangered version of what used to be called Goo-Goo (good government) main street Republican, but unlike some other commentators on local affairs-Cal Skinner or me for instance-she does not use her forum to grind her personal ax.
The best part of it all is that Iris is willing to share this valuable resource with anyone who asks for free. (She will gladly accept donations however.) She will deliver to your computer screen every month a .pdf version of the TOWN CRIER All you have to do is ask. E-mail .