Don’t Let Another Senate Seat go Red-Join McHenry County Dems to Watch Illinois Senate Debate

Jan 20, 2010 09:52

Bummed out by the Massechusets Senatorial results?  I know I am.  We cannot allow complacency or despair to repeat that loss in Illinois.  I know, I know we will have even higher hurdles here-the bitter hang-over of the Blagojevich scandals and the controversial seating of place-holder Sen. Roland Burris-but Illinois is still Democratic Party turf and has rejected the ever-rightward sliding Republican Party decisively in recent years.  We can do it again with hard work in the trenches and a strong progressive candidate with a clear message.

Help us select that candidate in the February 2 Primary.  To get a better handle on the candidates join the Democratic Party of McHenry County tonight at the Stage Left Café next to the Woodstock Opera House to watch and discuss the WTTW Democratic Party Senatorial Debates.

Local and regional Democratic candidates will also be on hand for a meet and greet.  Some candidate literature and yard signs will be available.

The party will hold a  brief Special Meeting at 6:30 to discuss endorsing a candidate for Illinois Democratic Party Central Committeeman from the 16th Congressional District.  County party Vice Chair Sam Melei is expected to get the nod.

The Debate will run from 7-8 PM.  A brief regular monthly Party meeting will follow with introduction of candidates.

The program and meetings are free and open to the public.

debate, rhode island, stage left cafe, democratic party, senate, primaries, mchenry coumty democrats

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