The Democratic Party of McHenry County will present a special panel to provide useful information for potential local candidates at its meeting 7 PM on Wednesday, June 17 at the McHenry County Farm Bureau Building, 1102 McConnell Road in Woodstock.
“We want to encourage anyone who has considered running for local or county-wide office to attend,” said County Chair Kathleen Bergan Schmidt. “It’s going to be about everything you always wanted to know about being a candidate but were afraid to ask.”
Panelists will include Nancy Shepherdson, 8th District Committeewoman for the Illinois Democratic Central Committee and Chair of Eighth District Democrats and Independents (EDDI), which actively supports candidates in Lake County and portions of Cook and McHenry Counties. Tom Cynor, currently Treasurer of the County Party and a former candidate for State’s Attorney will speak from the experience of a candidate. Michael Bissett managed Paula Yensen’s successful campaign for County Board. Mike Fourcher of Purely Political consulting has worked on victorious campaigns and will address fund raising.
The program is free and open to the public.
For more information contact the party at 815 788-9540 or e-mail .