Jan 07, 2009 11:02

A Tip ‘o the Hat to MoxieLife and her daughter Sparkly Gal for this meme.

Come on, haven’t we all, at least secretly Googled our own names.  It is an exercise in vanity and curiosity perhaps best left for the wee small hours in the morning when no one else is apt to be awake to catch you in flagrant egotism.  By contrast this little Google game might actually deflate that ego.

The rules are simple.  Simply enter your name followed by the appropriate verb in the search engine and then record the first exact match.  For instance, when I entered “Patrick can” I had to skip over several “Patrick can’t” entries that came first.

Here are my results.  Yours may vary.

1.     Patrick needs “your help acquiring penicillin.” Apparently I’m infectious.

2.     Patrick looks like “such a stalker.” Hmm.  Maybe this is'nt going the way I had hoped.

3.     Patrick likes “to dance.”  …if you consider thrashing about a-rhythmically dance.

4.     Patrick says “Why Opus?”  Your mean the penguin?  Well, why not!

5.     Patrick wants “You!”  Oh my, that sounds a little controlling.  See number 2.

6.     Patrick never “made official saint.”  Got that right.

7.     Patrick hates “me!”  No I don’t, who ever you are!

8.     Patrick can “do it.”  Well, maybe.

9.     Patrick goes “on high tech offense.”  Only if Windows doesn’t crash again.

10.     Patrick is “God.”  Well, if I couldn’t make saint this seems unlikely, although it might explain my stalking and possessiveness issues and my apparent ability to "do it," what ever it is.

11.     Patrick loves “nuts.”  I admit to a fondness for both the kind you crack and eat and the folks who are a little cracked themselves.

patrick murfin, maximilian

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