This is a grab bag of stuff that I've been behind in posting.
KICK-ASS is and does. Go see it. 'Nuff said!
I've shut down my 4E game. I was not able to get more than one consistent player for the FIVE WEEKS I tried, with only one actual play session. The main issue seems to be 4E - I can get a full set of consistent players for a Pathfinder game, but not 4E, where I can only get one. I'm not happy about this, but I'm not losing sleep over it (that's my allergies doing that). I liked the Goldland Crossing setting and I'll try again in the future - after all, I still have all my world notes and the first adventure written up. I'll print it all out, bind it, and then file it away on a shelf. This is not the first campaign I've written up just to set aside. I may post about my Rocketmen campaign if there is enough interest.
One campaign shuts down and another one opens up. My Southern Reaches campaign is now running whenever I have players together who want me to run it. You can read design notes over on
Bugbears for Breakfast and the Obsidian Portal site
here (for adventure logs, the wiki, and the forums - possibly even The Map). I have just started on the Obsidian Portal site, so check it over the next two weeks as I populate it.
(As a note - the banner image for Bugbears for Breakfast will be changing now that I'm no longer running a campaign with that character in it. I'm open to suggestions for replacement art.)
I'm still running my Champions game,
The Bold and the Determined, and my other Pathfinder game,
Naze Valley Rangers. Prep for these games is getting a bit hectic for me due to the start-up of Southern Reaches, but I needed a stretch goal for my gaming.
Nightmare on El;m Street opens April 30th. It looks freakishly creepy and was written by a friend of mine. Go see it opening weekend and help a friend out. I take no responsibility for any loss of sleep that happens afterward. Thanks!