Title: Writing Letters To You
Pairing: Peter/Patrick
Word Count:
Summary: Peter and Patrick never had a chance to confess their feelings to each other face-to-face. That's why they're doing it in letters now, even though the band are all living in the same house....
Rating: PG - hah. Pure cuteness, kiddies! :D
Author Notes: This was a totally random thing I thought up. It was going to be a fic, complete with this letter piece and
Disclaimer: I don't own blahblahblah, it's fiction ya-da-ya-ya-da, we all just do this repeatedly to save our asses, la-di-da... okay, done!
[Part One]
I wear my heart on my sleeve. I can't help it, it the way I am. Part of me. What you see, is what you get. I'm not as complicated as people think I am. Or that I wish I was. I'm just a kid who takes chances. Most of the time, it doesn't work out or I end up in the hospital over it, but at least by the time I'm gone, I can say I tried something and took a chance doing it.
But there's one chance I haven't been able to bring myself to take. This one, though, is a risk so big that it could ruin, well, everything. Our fantabulous friendship, our spazztastic fanbase, and maybe even the band... The band, the music, the fands, and most importantly, you....are the reasons I'm here. You are the biggest reason that I haven't gone completely off my rocker and stepped off the edge I've always been so close to falling off of. You keep me grounded better than anyone and anything else.
I could deal and come to terms with losing everything I mentioned. Except you. I don't think I would ever get over that. I probably wouldn't make it much farther down this road I'm traveling on, without you. I'd go crazy, absolutely stark-raving mad, don't know what I'm doing or how I got here insane without you.
Without you, there is no me. I know that sounds cheesy, maybe even like a line of some kind, but it's true. If it weren't for you, that night I shoved that handful of pills down my throat would have been my last. I knw you're going to try and be all modest and say you were just worried about me or something, but I'm serious. I called a lot of people that night to let them know I loved them and to say goodbye, but you're the only one that took me seriously. You were the only one that was really concerned about me when I called. You....you were one that came to that Best Buy parking lot to take me to the hospital to make sure I was okay. And that wasn't the only time you were there for me. There are numerous times when we were on tour and things got to be too much or me when you would play therapist. Or the times you let me call you at 4 a.m. just to talk to you because I had some crazy dream and wanted to be sure that you were okay. How about the countless cry-on-your-shoulder days and crashed-in-your-bed nights?
You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, Patrick, and you don't even realize it. I wish there was some way that I could show you that; some way you could see how absolutely amazing you are. Maybe even to show you the person I see when I look at you instead of you seeing the person you see when you look in the mirror. But I know no matter what I do, no matter the number of examples of your near-perfection I give, you'll just look at me, shake your head and say, "I don't know what you think is so great about me,". You'd never admit to being such a wonderful person with such a pretty face and such a beautiful soul. Nope. You're too modest for that. But that doesn't make on ebit of it any less true. In all honesty, I think it just makes it all the more true, really; it's like it proves it.
I am the rain, you are the rainbow.
Love always,
[Part Two]
I know you wear your heart on your sleeve, Pete, and I don't expect you to be any different because that's how you were when I met you and, hey, it's half the reason why we're frends and what brings us so close together. I like your sleeve-heart, as cracked as it may be. You have no idea how much I'm hoping I can always be there to heal its scars. That's the so-to-speak fanatical part of me. The rational part says that I know that won't work because I know I can't always be there with you. And I think that to be able to heal all your wounds, that's what it would take. That's why I've never tried to fix everything because I know I can't and when the true reality of that came to me, were I to try and fix it all, I know I wouldn't be able to handle it. I hope you can understand that.
"Without you, there is no me". Do you have any idea how scar that line was for me to read? I know that the majority of this letter was written in the hypothetical situation where you lose me, but it scared me. A lot. I love you, Pete, and I don't want to hear things like that from you.
Don't think about that night, okay? I didn't like that night. I almost lost you and I don't know what I would have done if I had. When it comes to caring about you, I think I win out. I worry about you so much. I don't want you to be in any kind of pain, be it physical, emotional, or anything else. I only want the best for you. ....Even if the best isn't me.
I'm not such a great and wonderful person. I'm only as great and...beautiful (I really think you've got me confused with someone else on that one) as you think I am. We see each other differently and we see ourselves differently than the other and there's nothing we can do to change that. We could act upon it, but, Pete, I'm scared and I don't think I can and I'm really really not sure if you can, or will, or anything. So until one of us gets the courage to do something, I guess we're stuck here in this place...
And you can't have a rainbow without the rain.
Love always,