The Sun shines

Aug 05, 2014 11:04

(Good magazine, good people)

I'm teaching a JMC 111 section this coming semester. Every student in the class took JMC 110 from me in the spring, so I've been wondering how to make 111 distinctively different than 110 so that the students and I aren't bored into a word coma.

My wife suggested having the students work on a single project that would have relevance outside of the classroom. This is a writing course, so I thought having the students write an essay for publication in a magazine would interest and challenge them.

The first magazine that I thought would interest and inspire them was The Sun. If you're familiar with the magazine, you know why. If you're not, here's my brief description: It publishes works that move your mind, your heart and your soul. I'm subscribed until April of 2017, which shows how much the magazine means to me.

I thought if each student had a copy of the magazine, she or her could get an idea of the kind of work I want them to do. So Sunday, I emailed the office manager at The Sun and explained my course goal to her.

To say her reply this morning was helpful understates the case. It will let me have the magazines in hand when the semester starts.

What a wonderful, timely response. I can't wait to get started with the course later this month.

writing, teaching

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