dear whingejournal...

Oct 07, 2005 08:05

everything seems to be going to shit recently. and i mean everything!

the main part of this regards the moving into walcott being somewhat halted by the realtors and owners of the property. im going to try and rectify this today with katie by giving them a note explaining of our intentions etc.the place that ive been staying at on weekends is nearly up and now i have to figure out what the fuck i am gonna do about living if the walcott dream officially crumbles(because darlington sucks numerous dicks).

also im behind in my art making and there seems to be little time to catch up with all the hours im doing at work these days. also there are a few girls i am keen on, but most are off limits due to being my mates ex's or being ridiculously out of my league, but then again girls are the least of my worries.

now im gonna be late for uni!
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