The rain came down and washed the streets for what seemed like a month. As I was leaving the house, my dad mentioned something about a possible new record being set for how long it's been raining. That doesn't seem right to me. I seem to remember a couple years ago when the local news was talking about that exact same story. Deja Vu?
Walking out to my car in the rain, I momentarily think I will listen to my iPod. I decide against this, opting instead to listen to KEXP. I have neglected my radio station ever since getting my personal music device, but sometimes it nice to have someone tell you want to listen to. There is a special place in my heart for pointless DJ chatter, as well. I drive out of the neighborhood with Death Cab for Cutie blaring on my little car stereo.
My first stop is the post office, where I am dropping off my latest netflix film. Gus Van Sant's Last Days, which completes his strange death trilogy. Elephant is my favorite of the three films, but Last Days definitely worth me watching as well. Focusing on a Kurt Cobain like character just before he dies, it's an interesting piece. I get a strange pleasure from watching musicians play and this film fits that bill.
From there, I drove to the nearest cingular store and waited for one of the sale associates to help me out. A girl had entered the store before me who was pretty, but had on too much perfume. After she entered the store, you could smell her from anywhere in the building. I smiled at her while I stood waiting in line and she glared at me like if I had offended her and ignored me for the rest of the time I was in the store. After about 15 minutes of waiting, one of the employees became free and helped me. He answered my questions about what I could do to get a new phone, but I wasn't convinced to do anything with them. Cingular just isn't winning my loyalty anymore. I could sign up for a 2 year contract, like I have done in the past, and I would pay a $18 upgrade fee for getting a new phone. Or I could call the insurance company and pay $50 and get the same phone. I thanked him and left.
As I drove down the street, I saw the T-Mobile store on my way home. Deciding to stop by and check out my options, I walk in and a pretty blond lady immediately comes up to me and starts working the sale. I tell her I am thinking about switching to a new company and she starts throwing free options at me left and right. Before I know it, I have signed a new contract for 1 year with T-Mobile and I have a phone as good if not better than my old nokia and I didn't have to pay an activation fee or anything. And it looks like my monthly bill will be lower than before as well. I leave the store happy.
Poll Phone Numbers P.S.
There seems to be some conflict between cingular, which is blocking my incoming calls still, and t-mobile, who is allowing calls to go out. If you want to contact me right now, try
text messaging me. That works and I haven't gotten any text messages from lj in a million years.