spnpairingbingo Rules |
FAQspnpairingbingo is now open for our mini round! Sign up--sticky post at top of comm--and get a 2x2 card! I can't wait to get to see all the SPN related goodies! Also, even though as a mod I'm not in the running for our points system, I got a card myself.
Sam/Rowena Castiel/Crossover!Character
Castiel/Kelly Kline Castiel/Jody Mills
LMAO, my fellow mod made my card, and I think she knows me well. Also, I signed up for the Feburary Amnesty challenge over at
hc-bingo. Here's my card for that:
forced marriage
taking care of somebody
If I can pick a pairing, this one might even write itself. Might even combine the two. Stay tuned. Also, join us over at
spnpairingbingo, won't you?