Art: A Picture Tells...: WIP Bang

Jul 24, 2015 07:48

Art made for wipbigbang, story by scandalbaby (lj) afteriwake (AO3)
Link to the story: HERE
Story Summary: While on vacation with Molly in California Sherlock got some unsettling voicemails. Upon returning home and receiving two more Sherlock realizes that the newest crop of killings that Lestrade is dealing with is related to the next tattoo in the story of Moriarty's plans for him. But this case takes a strange turn when Sherlock deduces there has to be more than one person involved for the killings to make sense. Can they catch both of the killers before things take a more personal turn for Sherlock?
Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock or any of the screencaps or promo pictures used in these manips. Other images were found in a google image search. Textures by texturepalace, ladyamdis, and mellowmint.

wipbang, art, fandom: sherlock (bbc), big bang

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