Art: Night & Day: H/C Bingo: SW, Leia & Vader

Sep 29, 2014 17:34

Title: Night & Day
Fandom: Star Wars
Prompt: Tyranny/Rebellion
Medium: art
Wordcount: N/A
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: For the
hc_bingo, using the square "tyranny/rebellion."  Again, this art draws from the canon.  The hurt on both sides.  The tyranny hurting the good people.  The rebellion hurting the empire.  And the comfort of knowing you have a singular purpose, that you can stop it, felt on both sides by Vader and by Leia... and then that awkward moment you realize you're related, and that maybe the apple doesn't fall from the tree, it just falls in different ways.  Glass texture by FantasyStock.

fandom: star wars, bingo, genre: h/c, art

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