you're getting old when...

Jun 29, 2006 23:50

You know, some of the language/expressions/abbreviations used online really annoy me. I shouldn't care, it's just... ick.

My pet peeve at the moment: "pwned!" or "pwn!" (meaning "owned!" or "own!"). How did this even start?? I assume someone mistyped (seeing as the O and P are next to each other on the keyboad), on some really popular message board or LJ community, and other people decided it was funny to keep doing it.

It just... irks me. Maybe I'm getting too old and set in my ways, or maybe it's the English major in me that likes to cringe at such things.

Oh, and while I'm at it, what's with the trend of frickin' HUGE mood theme graphics? I'm sorry, but a mood theme icon, in my mind, should be smaller than the 100x100 userpics/icons, not like, triple the size.

People The internet makes my head hurt sometimes.

peeves, me

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