(no subject)

May 19, 2009 18:08


¡¡Hi, Laura Happy Birthday!
I hope you enjoy with your family and friends!!!
First of all I wanted to thank you for the nice person you are, who without knowing me, friendded me and made me feel welcome!!! I know I still  owe you a commet about Sam and Castiel fic, but with my activities and some personal things that I have gone through lately, I'm missing a bit of livejounals. Anyway, I promise you I will send you a comment because I think your fic is simply ¡BEAUTIFUL!  ♥♥

Well, just wanted you to know that in spite that I didn't communicate much,  I remember you with much affection and I appreciate the generosity and sympathy you had with me. I hope to have more time to give to the journal and  my friends. And I really  hope that you enjoy your birthday!!!!

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