I am down to 197!!
I lost 5 lbs this week..how?...I dont know but I'll take it!
other stats:
Difference in 2 weeks (in target areas)
Weight loss 6lbs
2/18/05 3/4/05
Chest: 38.5 in 37.01 in
Waist 35.5 33.5
Abs: 37.76 35.98
Hips: 39.49 38.74
Thigh: 23.5 23.27
Waist to hip circumference ratio (.8 or less is the goal)
2/18: .9 3/4: .86
Lean body mass (fat free mass)
2/18: 139 lbs 3/4: 139 lbs
No change there but thats ok because...
Fat mass:
2/18: 64lbs 3/4: 58lbs
I lost 6 pounds of fat!!
Body fat percentage goal is 23% or less)
2/18: 31.58% 3/4: 29.53%
I lost 2.05% in 2 weeks!!
A comparison of the beginning to now! ( about 6 or 7 weeks post partem to now)
12/10/04: 220lbs 3/4/05: 197lbs
I lost 23 lbs!
12/10: 45.98in 3/4: 37in
-8.98 inches
12/10: 41.5in 3/4: 33.5 in
-7.99 inches
12/10: 44.25 3/4: 35.98 in
12/10: 42.52 3/4: 38.74in
-3.78 inches
Waist to hip circumference:
12/10: .98 3/4: .86
Body fat percentage:
12/10: 37.03 3/4: 29.53