Apr 15, 2008 15:48
Okay, here's the deal:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature (or not).
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them 5 questions.
1. If you could learn another language, which would you love most to know, and what use would you put it towards?
I think I would learn spanish and french ready to go to europe
2. Do you sleep with your blinds/curtains opened or closed? Why?
closed!!!!!!!! i need pitch balck to sleep. Since I moved into Alexander's room, he has a galss door so it's frustrating when there's a full moon and it shines through
3. How many people can you honestly say you trust?
Only one, my mum. I can tell her anthing and i know that she won't judge me, there's too many judgemental christians out there who think that they're better than you, and i know that my mum won't go gossiping about it to other people, which i know a lot of people who if i did trust with my secrets or whatever, would go spreding it around.
4. Who/what are you obsessed with right now?
I really don't know....umm...a band called the wombats, i love them, i 'spose they'd be my obession.
5. If you could be anywhere in space/time (including fictional places), where would you go and what would you do?
I'd go back and be Marie Anotinett, i really really would. I love her, i think it would be really fun to be her, even though she died from be-heading....still...