tick tick stop.

Jan 13, 2010 00:28

I don't think there was ever a time in my life that I have been so annoyed and angry, well my past doesn't count. Lately people have been so fucking retarded and needy. I really hate needy people, and people who wear ugly shit. I'm gonna go on a venting rampage. I hate helping people who don't help me, like you help them so much and when you ask them to help you but you don't excpect them to ask you to pay them or they use the guilt trip on you and be like but i helped you last time. I help you all the fucking time but the one time i ask you, you expect something in return. Even if your not my friend and you ask me for help don't be fucking rude and shit and tell me "you do it, your the creative one." K bitches ask me nicely. My creative juice is not to be share with useless people and plus if your not paying me money or food then fuck of! What makes me more mad is that I can't say no, giving my precious time away to dumbasses. Don't ask me to help you, let me offer my help, even when I do offer my help don't fucking take advantage of it. I'll do it my way and use my time not your time. But if you want it done your way and time paay me, other then that forget it. I'm so annoyed I wanna be left alone. I can't talk to anybody even my own friends, don't give me shit if I blend in the crowd once in awhile. Mind your own shit, stay out of my closet. WHO EVER THE FUCK COMES TO MY HOUSE DON'T BE STEALING MY SHIT. YOUR STEALING SHIT THAT'S NOT CHEAP AND EASY TO FIND ASSHOLES T___T I've been having a hard time so please give me my space. Maybe this wasn't the right thing to do to post an emotion like this on the web but idgaf there comes a point where you have to let people know, so they can have a better understanding.

Thank you for reading my animosity.

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