Apr 08, 2006 21:45
I went to Gurabite a couple of days ago and ended up having a look through Aja's rec list. I came across a fic which involved the Gravitation characters the day of Tohma's wedding. It was totally hysterical I found. I'm not going to say it was a great piece of literature, but I certainly had a lot of fun reading it! I left a good review and now I'm in the mood for reading some Gravi fics again. Hopefully involving as little emo/girlified Shuichi as possible. I find bad characterization of Shuichi and repetitive Eiri-Shu stories are one of the main turn-offs in the Gravi fandom for me. But there should still be good stuff out there for me to read.
I'm currently compiling a list in Word of "To Read Fics" with hyperlinks, so I will not have to go looking every time I feel like reading. So, I'm going to go through my favourite authors and pick out stuff I haven't read and strikes my fancy ^___^
I'm not so much up to date with the new authors, however. So, if you know the style I usually enjoy and have a recommendation to make, feel free to leave it here. Thank you!
Oh, and just so you know, you can save your recs from the following authors:
Aja, Onna, Bee, Dave (as in ambrosewulf), Genesis, Kmyth, Hawkclawd and Tenth (Nolan :D).
They are a given.