Sep 29, 2004 13:09
the rain is awesome indeed. i love it. late nights with lisa are amazing. as i was laying with her, no music on, listening to the rain hit my car and how its so oddly relaxing, i was overwhelmed with mmany feeling of perfection...
you see you fuckin people. love isnt about hand holding and dick touching like you think. its not about how far you travel to see each other or gifts or shared interests, even tho we got plenty of all that. and its certainly not about how many stupid ass love notes you write, even tho me and lisa write the best. everyone is so fucking stupid because love cant be summed up in a romantic kiss with tounge, its not about that. true love can be summed up by an arm thrown over the shoulder, or laying together not always havign to blabber on about how in love you are. being in bed and accepting silenece. and not because there is a fucking movie on or you are being fingerbanged. just because there is no need for words. so take fuckin notes you idiots, stop being selfish and completely give yourself to someone...
stop fucking each other figuratively and start fucking each other literally!
anyway, i started work at 7-11 and its funny because all i do is stock shelves and change the coffe and work the register. but alas it pays less than i like so i am working for 2 weeks only then quiting. which means i have the freedom to steal condoms and piss on your tacitos. i just so happen to be working when school let out yesterday...
i saw sean sexton come in to buy a phillie and i was happy for him that he went to smoke weed. maybe he'll burn himself out enough that one day he'll wake up and forget to be a complete asshole and the laughing stock of the black and white communities...
gaby came in to look for a wallet probably because it has money for her diet pills in it. so with that in mind i frantically helped her look for it because from the looks of her she needs that money bad. she's looking less and less like the crack whore she aims to be everyday...
jill egan also came in and talked to me about school. and she was like wow i cant believe you work here. and i said to her "wow, i cant believe you didn't grow out of dancing and beign annoying. 2 thinks you are supposed to be too smart for by the time you reach age 8"
so come see me at work, no one is safe...