Three's Company: The Continuing Adventures of Duckie and Roomies

Jun 08, 2010 18:43

I hear Pat rustling around in the bathroom we share, and then the gentle shhhhk of the door opening. I turn over grumpily in bed, my whole body still curled painfully around my cramp-cramp-holy-hell-cramps. At my feet, Sassy says, "Mrowr."

"Hi, cat," Pat says to her. "What have you done all day? Laid around? Bein' fluffy?"

With huge blue eyes, in the plaintive tones of a starving orphan, Sassy says, "Mra-OW?" and jumps down to rub against his shins.

She has a little water bowl next to the bathroom door. Pat picks it up and takes it over to the sink to fill it.

"MRAAAAA-oo," Sassy demands.

"Perrier?" says Pat. "All I got's tap water."

"Mreh," she bitches as he lowers the bowl to the ground.

"It's not sparkling? You haven't even tasted it yet."

She flicks her ears irritably a few times, then starts to lap delicately at the very edge of the bowl.

"She has accepted your offering, puny mortal," I assure him.

"Her collar does funny things to her fluff," he observes, leaning in the doorway. "That line it leaves? It kinda makes her head look detached from her body. Like you could take it off and reach in there for cookies."

The cramps are still here, but my grump has evaporated. If he were Lizz or Chickie or any one of my girls, I'd say, "I kind of love you right now."

But he's not, so I don't. I just lay back in the pillows and giggle helplessly.

the waking world, three's company, squee, wtf

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