SPN drabble: Forty

Apr 19, 2010 15:25

Genre: futurefic
Characters: Dean/OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Cotton candy fluff from the Nazareth 'verse. No nutritional value whatsoever.


Dean finds his wife curled on the sofa, frowning fiercely at a Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. She startles when he kisses the back of her neck.

“Happy birthday.”

Head tipped back, she smiles absently. “Oh, no, thank you. I’ve decided to stay thirty-nine for another year.”

“Okay. I’ll put these back, then.”

From behind the sofa he lifts a bottle of Southern Comfort, a six-pack of Abita root beer, and a tube of KY.

Her eyes go very big. “I love you.”

Tonight Dean is awesome. Tonight he’s Han fucking Solo. So he smirks and says, “I know.”

drabble, supernatural, fanfic, futurefic, nazareth verse

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