Mar 18, 2010 15:21
A friend of mine conducted an informal survey for her sociology class the other day, by sending out a mass email asking us for our Ten Rules of Dating. "It's an open-ended question," she wrote. "For instance, maybe one of your rules is 'no drugs' or 'I don't date men I meet in bars.'"
Here's what I wrote back:
The Duckie's Ten Rules of Dating
1) Spread no diseases.
2) Make no babies.
3) Wreck no homes.
4) Your age must equal half his age plus seven.
5) Any tattoos must be discreet, easily concealable, and correctly spelled.
6) If he treats other people badly, one day he will treat you badly. No exceptions.
7) Boys hold doors and pull out chairs as theatrical gestures to impress you. Men do these things as a matter of course.
8) Your sweet lovin', while very sweet, is not magic pixie dust and has no transformative powers. Date the man, not the man you hope he'll turn into.
9) Do not attempt to remain friends with your exes, but do your utmost to remain friendly.
10) Date no one who cannot conduct himself admirably while meeting your daddy.
What do y'all think, flist? Is there anything you'd change, qualify, add, subtract?
Y'all got rules of your own?
the waking world,