SPN 5.05: I know y'all can do better than that.

Oct 08, 2009 21:26

The first five or ten minutes were sparkly fun, and then the rest was just... meh.

If the whole episode had been Dean geeking out over Little Bastard, I would have been a happy, happy fungirl. As it was, the hunt of the week was pretty blah, in spite of the stunt casting.

The drama between the boys also fell flat for me. There was a moment I liked early in the ep, where Dean laid down the law, John-style - "This is what we're doing" - and then proceeded to explain himself with far more sensitivity. Classic Dean; he's not now and has never been his father.

And the amount of healthy introspection Sam seems to have done is admirable. "How we were doesn't work. How do you think we ended up here?" Trufax, Sammy. I also liked that after bringing up his dislike of forever being the little brother, he totally owned his decision to hang out with Ruby as a power-trippy alternative to Dean. "No, I'm saying this is my fault."

But what was with Renaissance Man Sam this ep? Since when is he a botanist? When has he ever mentioned Gandhi? In what way is he qualified to perform an autopsy with his remarkably pumped, veiny arms?

That final conversation and apology by the car was just... cheesetastic. We've already heard this exact same speech about going down fighting, never giving in to heaven or hell. *is very disgruntled* We could have skipped the chick flick moment and gone straight to, "Do you want to drive?" Us viewer-types would've gotten it. Really, we would. We pay embarrassingly close attention to this show, remember?

What I do like about that exchange is that we have confirmation that "Dean broke the first seal" is not news to Sam. And we have both guys taking responsibility for their part in the apocalypse. Just, the delivery went clunk-clunk-clunk.

Sorry, flist. Maybe I'm just in a sour mood today.

On the plus side, the promo for the next few eps is bringing the squee in Duckieland. Sitcom!boys and CSI!boys make me bark like a seal, y'all.

supernatural, whining, episode reaction, wtf

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