Eeep. Kripke, you magnificent bastard.

Sep 15, 2008 20:39

Continuing that...  Sam adopts the manners of the company he's in, be they blue collar folks or swanky champagne drinkers.  He learns the landscape and tries to fit in, usually with a high rate of success.  But we've seen Dean at the Blake's auction house and at the little soiree in 'Red Sky.'  He knows the rules are different.  He knows he's probably breaking them.  But he just. can't. stop. being. Dean.

While Sam, who's always had the strength to be true to himself, told us in Malleus Maleficarum that he needed to become someone else in order to accomplish his goals.  And then he went and bloody well did it.  (This is part of why I feel like I don't have a handle on Sam.  Is it maybe more of a matter of Sam being true to his goals than himself?  Again with the mission-oriented personality?)

Dean changes tactics.  Sam changes Sam.  ...Is kinda where I'm going with this.
Somebody please tell me I'm wrong, so we can pick this apart and pass the time til Thursday.  Plz?

squee, meta

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