Figured Christmas' Eve was a good day for posting a review of the year meme. Stolen from
house_of_lantis, of course. I always seem to be stealing memes from her. The meme consists on writing down the first sentence of the first post for each month of 2009.
January 1st - I said goodbye to 2008 on high heels, watching the fireworks from my car's rooftop with a childhood friend I hadn't seen in years.
March 8th - The Watchmen movie? It rocks!
April 3rd - Dean Winchester mentioned Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-five in yesterday's Supernatural episode and I have a test on that book this Tuesday.
May 8th - This is supposed to be my strongest story for my Creative Writing class, so I thought I should share.
June 5th - Once again, something from my Creative Writing class.
July 3rd - Had I known about this before I sat my exams and I'd done way better than I did.
August 3rd - Although tanning, shopping and swimming in the sea is not really my cup of tea, I have to admit that I had fun in this trip.
September 18th - Supernatural needs to stop making me pout.
October 15th - I haven't been posting much lately, so,to remedy that, I'll be doing a meme I found in
house_of_lantis' journal.
November 7th -There are times in which I regret deeply choosing to major in English Literature.
December 6th - Me gustaría ser más productiva con esto de subir entradas al journal, pero me tiende a bajar mañana y me quedo mirando el techo en vez de hacer algo.
Shame on me. I posted very little this year. Curiously, this meme summarizes my life pretty accurately. Which I don't know whether to find funny or sad. My life is kind of boring.
Expect to hear more from me in the following days. Many things have been happening in my life lately, but I've been kind of lazy when it comes to posting about them. Just let me sort through them in my head. I need to figure out how to say what I want to say first.