Mar 21, 2011 09:21
So it's FINALLY my spring break! YAAAAY. With all that has gone on I'm just now starting to get back so some sort of normal life. I passed the Japanese midterm with a B. Which considering that I had only slept a two hours the night before, was pretty darn good.
Even given that this is spring break, I am swamped with stuff. My list just for today is
1. Take parents to the people doing our taxes
2. Send money to friend
3. Write to volunteer and LV-JACL fundraiser
4. Sell Pretty Cure stuff
5. Start cleaning room.
6. Schedule appointment for Obgyn
My mom got mad because I said I didn't want to take them out to eat after the tax person because I needed to come home. She starts with me and I said "If you don't have the time to take me to a doctor's appointment then you don't have time to go eat." Then she threw the computer mouse at me and told me I was ungrateful >_<
That aside. I really am looking forward to cleaning my room. I hope I can find my passport! ^_^
I'll let you all know about the fundraiser soon! You might be able to help!