New Year's Dissolution

Jan 04, 2009 13:15

Welcome to the brave new year of 2009, fellow data travelers!

I know there are some of you out there who experienced many highs and lows, some justified, some not. There were events in the news which sparked outrage in some, celebration in others, and bizarre bloody car-crash worthy fascination in most. Personal growths, losses, ramblings, etc and the day to day musings on the minutia of our mostly banal lives filled the bandwidth for all to enjoy and rot away to.

In retrospect, 2008 was one long, boring, lost weekend. Absolutely nothing good happened and if you think I’m wrong, well… shit.
You are absolutely right. One good thing did happen.

Me and my fellow pirates are now allowed to buy rum on Sunday!

You know what Mr. Customer, I may have come on a bit fast.

How about a little warm up first, you know, to break the ice?

So once again…


1. Where did you begin 2008?

2. What was your status by Valentines Day?

3. Were you in school anytime this year?
- Not really. Just my paid internship at the A Mark.

4. Did you have to go to the hospital?
Does the drunk tank count? No? Well than, no.

5. Did you have any encounters with the police?
Just one night I was walking home from the lightrail, and the politzei gave me a lift home because it was 12 degrees. For once, a pleasant encounter!

6. Where did you go on vacation?


7. What did you purchase that was over $100?
Refinished wood floors for my dog to promptly destroy, a Blu-Ray player, three new suits, a legal infraction which stole what was left of my broken soul, Christmas gifts, a 1TB hard drive to fill up with dirty pictures, a new cell phone, several ties, a few shirts.

8. Did you know anybody who got married?
My cousin in Connecticut. I didn’t go. I don’t believe in weddings.

9. Did you know anybody who passed away?

10. Did you move anywhere?
Wanted to, but didn't.

11. What sporting events did you attend?
None. I can’t get the time off work.

12. What concerts/shows did you go to?
Ministry, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers

13. Describe your birthday.

14. What is the ONE thing you thought you would not do, but did, in 2008?
Vote. A substantial waste of 84 cents in postage and five minutes of my time. Feeling the remorse already.

15. What have been your favorite moments?
Wow, where to start? Everything that happened here:

HRC, UAC, Goldrush, and a few of you who I forgot to thank, I know you are out there…
Learning to run the Hog, taking over as lighting designer/rigger.

Being the last person to rig a show in the plaza ballroom because Swank is fucking lame…

And of course, the moment when I said goodbye.

This has been a challenging year, but the moment I heard the news that our economy was crumbling and Pro Works was out of business was pretty sublime. I won’t be happy until Matt and his five shitty little kids are all begging on a corner somewhere.

And wall street? And the big three?

Well fuck them both.

16. Any new additions to your family?
Just my brother’s dog.


17. What was your best month?
They were all pretty difficult.

18. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Chris (of course), Eric, Casey, Wendy, Eddie Monster, Goob, Scottie, Eric Scheurmann, Josh,

19. Made new friends?

20. Favorite Night out?
Hell, every night was a night out for me. Some of the best: Ministry! Roger Clyne! My last night at the Adam’s Mark!!!!

21. Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?

22. Have you lost any friends this year?
I really have not given it that much thought. Probably.

23. Change your hairstyle?
Nah, just added a goatee. I think I need a more ‘mature’ haircut though.

24. Have any car accidents?
Just the accident of not being able to legally operate a vehicle. MORE mayhem ensued because of this. The state failed!!!

25. How old did you turn this year?
29 in February. Emotionally dead in 2002.

26. Do you have a New Years resolution?

27. Do anything embarrassing?
I'm a walking embarrassment.

28. Buy anything new from eBay?

29. Get married or divorced?
Not able to. Thank you, America.

30. Get hit on?
Maybe, but I’m pretty oblivious.

31. Been snowboarding?
Snowboarding is for people with spare time.

32. Did you get sick this year?
Yeah. I watched the news.

33. Are you happy to see 2008 go?
I could care less.

34. Been naughty or nice?

35. What are you looking forward to most in 2009?
Absolutely nothing.

Moving along, if you are still reading, please refresh your drink.

Post the first sentence of your first posts from each month in 2008:

January: I’ll cheat on this one. I finished a post on the 25th, and in this book that is close enough.
“I want you to do me a favor.”

February: “And in my dreams I am running.”

March: “Phase one: I am standing in a field.”

April: N/A

May: N/A

June: N/A

July: “And the pretty blond asks if we would care for another round, and I reply for us both.”

August: N/A

September: “Wow, I remember watching the premier in my parents kitchen on a beautiful fall evening.”

October: N/A

November: “I'm not going to lie here, I miss my old home.”

December: N/A

Did anyone close to you die?
No. Just my dreams.

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
Got it all. Although I could use a 32” 1080p monitor for my office and a 73” 1080p monitor for my bedroom. Plus 7.1 audio for both. We shall see how I finish off in twelve months.

What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 1/8/2008. The day many of my friends lost their jobs.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Learning to run the Hog, paying to get my floors refinished, accepting the fact that my dog is eager to destroy them. Forgetting how to smile.

What was your biggest failure?
Surviving until 12/31/2008.

On a material level, what was the best thing you bought in 2008?
My new floors. Elise is loving them! My Blu-ray player, my new suits!

Where did most of your money go?
Mortgage, home improvement, transportation, self destruction.

What songs will always remind you of 2008?
Meadows of Heaven - Nightwish
Hello New Day - Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers
High Hopes - Nightwish
Why Do all Good Things Come to an End - Nelly Furtado
I’m Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
Ghost Love Score - Nightwish
Mercy - Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers
Green and Dumb - Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers
Fallen Angel - L’Ame Immortelle
Jack Vs. Jose - Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers
Lazy Summer Days - Elcho
The Truth Beneath the Rose - Within Temptation
Nemo - Nightwish

Compared to this time last year, are you:

Happier or sadder?
Sadder. I have joined a larger firm, in a smaller property. A lateral move, and I already feel like I am going to be hourly forever. My family already looks down on me, and they always will. I am very depressed these days. I worry about my career, and I suppose the end all be all conclusion is that I am a missed connection. Forever. Sorrow is my world. Regret is my past.

Older or wiser?
Both. But neither. I am beginning to realize that there is neither. You are either destined to be damned with wisdom or you will fester with age.

Thinner or fatter?
I weighed in at 155 today. I think I need to gain some weight.

Richer or poorer?
Better. I am down to under 2K in credit debt, and I need to commit to paying it down. Richer, nor poorer. I am out of the system.

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Worked more.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
I have no regrets.

What was your favorite TV program?
Dead like Me, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The X-Files, Weeds,

Who most pissed you off in 2008?
Starwood. I used to love my job. I still do. But I do not work for your firm. You lost me. You could care less, and I know, who gives a shit about some lighting engineer? Well, shit, I don’t know. I hate my life, and my time at the Adam’s Mark saved me. I will never call it the sheraton. Never. It will always be the Adam’s Mark!!!

Hail to my OLD SCHOOL!!!!

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Rediscovering Pandora Radio.

My Top 3 In Heavy Rotation in 2008?
Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, The Last Dance, Nightwish.

What was your favorite film of this year?
Prince Caspian

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Starwood not taking over and fucking things up downtown would be nice. Sheraton has to be one of the LAMEST fucking hotel brands in the country. Who the hell wants to travel to Denver to stay at a fucking sheraton?

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Before July 21st, it was black everything with my infamous utility belt. Now I wear suits.

What kept you sane?

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Celebrities suck

What political issue stirred you the most?
All of them. This year was a major letdown.

Who did you miss?

Tell of a valuable life lesson learned in 2008:
Trust nobody. Deny everything.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Hello love, hello fear
Hello loneliness, join us all here
Hello funeral and ice-cold beer
Hello new day!

Hello baby teeth, hello grey hair
We try to grow grass now there's weeds everywhere
Hello whale, hello bum, hello just and unfair
Hello new day!

Well I feel lucky, I feel cool
What can I say?
Every time I give away a dollar or two
I find three more on the way
Now for better or worse, the whole Universe
Is singing along with every song I play
Hello new day!

Hello raindrop, hello sea
Hello jungle, leaf on the tree
I thought I was a bigger man, now look at me!
Hello new day!

Hello revolution, hello Che
Hello execution, hello CIA
Hello solution, it's our turn to play
Hello new day!

Hello friends, hello foes
Wounded Knees, Super Bowls
Hello highs, hello lows
Custers and Geronimos!

Hello blessing, hello curse
Hello cradle, hello hearse
Could there be any stranger Universe?
Hello new day!

Hello new day indeed.

Well, now that we had our little ‘getting to know each other’ session, let’s begin. Just like last year, I rang in 2009 surrounded by a bunch of drunk, belligerent idiots. I myself was completely sober. How’s that for irony? Never the less, new years eve and new years day are my two most loathed holidays.

First of all, I don’t need a fucking calendar to give me permission to drink. I always have my life for that. So fuck all these amateurs who get thrashed after having a few beers and a glass of cheap champagne out of a plastic flute.

Second, why the hell should I care about the fact that another boring day has just turned over? You should have seen these idiots dancing on fucking tables for christ sakes. You would think they just won the lotto the way they were carrying on. And then they have the nerve to treat my staff poorly. Fucking mooks.

So yeah, I’m slightly bitter. 2008 was a stupid fucking year, and I’m not imagining 2009 to be much better. We as a society are dumbed down to an extreme due to an oppressive government and a nanny state. We do not think for ourselves, instead we get swept up in the current of idiocy known as the mass media. Every four years we are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, and if you think November 4th was a victory, you are sorely mistaken. Hope my ass. The only person that I know who had the right idea last year was Remcit. The only reason I voted was to keep that clown Palin as far away from DC as possible. But you know what? Part of me was hoping the GOP would win. I wanted to see how bad it could possibly get. I wanted to see how soon it would be before we were all living in an ‘Equilibrium’ ‘V for Vendetta’ dystopia. We are in an economic crisis because of poor business practices. It sure would be nice if every homeowner could run their life into the ground with the plan that they could be bailed out by the corrupt US government. That seems to be how it works if you are at the top. Meanwhile, everyone else loses their jobs, homes, lives, etc.

True, 2008 was a year of politics. An election year signaling the end of one of the worst presidencies in our country’s history. But come on people, it is not Bush’s fault. He is a terrible speaker, I’ll give him that.


The economy is cyclical. Bush had very little to do with that. These banks and corporations, not to mention the American people, have been running on funny money for long enough. You can only go so long before reality crashes in. I live in highlands ranch colorado, and I see this all around me. There is not a single empty store at Park Meadows mall. They just opened up a new BMW dealer down the street. You would never think that we were in the worst recession since the 1930s.

My point?

Debt is free. And the heads of all those shitty banks and corporations are no different than the average homeowners. Why the fuck does anyone need to be paid 65 million a year? Because they can. And greed goes a long way, and in the end, everybody is out for themselves. No one else.

I would do the same thing, and so would you, don’t deny it.

So before we pin all the blame on some poor monkey from Texas, let’s take a look at the bigger picture. We all got ourselves into this mess. Take some fucking responsibility people.

Looking ahead, yeah great. Obama won the election. Fan fucking tastic. I can’t believe I voted for this tool, yet the alternative was even worse. These days it really doesn’t pay to vote, because either way you go, the money just goes to the fucking religious right. Rick Warren? Way to go Obama. You are just playing right into their hands. Nothing like a little fire and brimstone on inauguration day to bring us all together with the false notion of ‘hope’. Yeah, hope for the evil christian right. Here’s to a loss of personal freedoms!

Fuck you Rick Warren.

My point is this: you can’t win unless you have the church on your side. Religion is so bad, I don’t know why I am the only one who sees this. I was behind Obama until the idiot started pandering to the religious right. I know why he did it; you just can’t win unless you do. It just depresses me that there are so many brainwashed people out there who buy into the bullshit that is evangelical christianity.

Jesus would be ashamed of what ‘mainstream christianity’ has become. The evangelicals and their fucked up beliefs could not be further from the truth.

So, let’s all just pour ourselves a stiff double, sit back, and watch. The cards are out on the table, the economy is down, and just like in the past, it will rise again. Adam Smith believed in the ‘Invisible Hand’ guiding the economy along, and so do I. Things will turn out for the better, as long as the government does not continue to intervene.

But we all know they will. They will fuck things up because that is what we pay them to do. The US government, the expense that we could all do without, yet we cannot cut them off the payroll. The only thing that is going to implement change is a massive revolution. A change in society on a grand scale is the only thing that is going to promote ‘change’ in our climate. Painful as it may be, ‘change’ is going to have to be accomplished by means other than having a person in the white house who has a different skin tone than the rest of the idiots we have placed in office.

So hail the new year, the calendar says it’s true, so what the hell. Hail 2009. We shall see what happens, fellow data travelers… and who knows, twelve months from now we could be laughing about what an abomination the last twelve months were. Or not, who knows, maybe things will turn around.

Only the Vortex can determine the outcome…

Happy new year,

Patient Saint

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