Apr 19, 2006 17:36
I was up until 3 am last night studying for my Concrete test. Then this morning Emma was supposed to call me when she woke up so I could meet her and everybody else up here around 10 to study some more. She forgot to call me so I didn't even wake up till 10. Boo. That means I had to skip my other classes to finish studying. So once again, concrete test = misty not going to any of her other classes.
Then it was time for the test. Yeah, I don't know how well that all went. I definitely guessed on a bunch of it. I guess I'll see.
Oh, yeah, also, we were allowed to have 1 sheet front and back (or 2 front only) so I was going to just use my old cheat sheet and only make up a new one for the new stuff that wasn't on the 1st test. But, the 1st test cheat sheets are stapled to the 1st test. This is fine and good for pretty much everyone because she passed back the 1st test. Unfortunately I gave mine back to her because there was a grading mistake. It took me hours and some eyesight I'm sure (I write REALLY small on cheat sheets) to make it up the first time so there is no way that I was going to make another one. So I emailed her to see if I could get it back. But NO, she's in San Francisco or some random place like that and she doesn't know where in her office it is so no one else can get if for me. BOOO~! Thank God Emma had made a copy of it last time. The copy didn't have everything on it but it had most of it. Unfortunately it was on 2 separate pages because the printer can't print on the very edge of the paper, but I wrote there (that's a lot of info if you're writing really small). So now I had 3 one sided cheat sheets instead of only 2. That's not good. So after confusing the proctor, he finally understood and reluctantly allowed me to use it. Thank God. I would have been seriously screwed without it.
But anyways....
I'm all done with my last test of the semester!!!!! Yay!!! Ok, so I still have 3 finals a paper and model and a whole lot of hw to do, but at least no more bullshit tests!!! That’s how come I am able to sit here at this computer and waste some precious time. Ahh, time, isn’t it lovely. I don’t remember the last time I had time to do anything. Sure, sometimes I’ll spend a little while watching some tv, but that’s not because I have time, it’s because I can no longer function in the normal world and must leave it for a place that requires as little thought as possible. I need to learn again how to enjoy just sitting around. A few moments before I started writing this journal, I was feeling very anxious. I had nothing to do, and this was a feeling that was very foreign to me. I didn’t like it. But now, I feel better. This is great.
Ok, I know this journal is getting long and most of you don’t really care to read t because, lets face it, it’s pretty boring. So, to help you out, if I say anything worth reading after this paragraph I’ll put it in bold for you. Sound good?
My friend Emma has strep. She claims that she got it from me because I told her that my roommate had it awhile back and she knows that I haven’t been feeling well lately. I told her I just have allergies. She doesn’t believe me. But now I actually feel a little sick. Not the normal allergies sick but the coming down with something kind of sick. It didn’t really hit me until I was about half way through the concrete test, so I don’t think I’m just being paranoid. I better not tell professor Brook, or else I won’t be allowed to come to class. On the other hand, maybe I should tell him.
Uh-oh, another class is in here, I better go.