Feb 12, 2005 23:02
Wow, it’s been forever since I have had the time to write in this thing. Technically, I don't have the time to be writing in it right now, but who cares. I feel like being a little lazy, even if I do have 50 million homework assignments still to do. Yep, that's exactly why I haven't had the time to write in this, school. Here's the run down of a typical day for me now:
Alarm goes off at 7 or 7:45 (depending on whether it’s a MWF or a TTH).
Hit the alarm attempting to put it in sleep mode so I can wake up in 10 more minutes.
Half an hour latter wake up
See clock, realize that I hit the wrong button (again!)
Freak out, jump out of bed and run to the bathroom
Take a shower, get dressed, etc, etc.
Attempt to leave for school by 8(MWF) or 8:30 (TTH)
Actually leave about 10-20 mins late
Convince myself that I will make it on time
Hit traffic
Say a little prayer
Find a parking spot and run to catch the bus
Get to the bus stop 2 secs after it pulls away
Wait for what seems forever, but is really only 7 mins for the next bus.
Get on campus by 8:45 (MWF) or 9:15.
Somehow manage to get to class at about the time I was supposed to be there. (This part doesn't always happen)
Thank God.
Be in class or doing homework of some sort until 9:30 that night (except for on Fridays)
Walk to car from ACC campus (MW) or wait the 30 mins for the bus to come so I don't have to walk that far in the dark (TTH)
Get home by 10 something or other.
Dump 50lb backpack on the couch
Eat for the first time all day (well, sometimes I manage to eat lunch on campus)
Watch the news my mom has on TV as I eat, talk with mom a bit about our days, etc
Watch at least part of the Simpsons as I try to gain the strength to do some more homework
Go up to my room; attempt to do one more assignment
Decide I better go to sleep soon around 12:30
Call Jackie and talk to him as I try to wind down from the day
Actually get to sleep sometime around 2
Hear the alarm piercing through my sleep and attempt to sleep for 10 more mins
Don't you just love school? You know I do! Actually, there are some good times. Those few times before class or when the professor isn't saying anything important and you actually have the time to talk to the people around you. Or while you are studying with people and you feel yourself about to go crazy so you declare a mandatory study break time to put off the insanity for another day. Yeah, those times are good.
So anyways, I had my birthday last Tuesday. Marie sent me a card with a picture of us in it. Isn't she sweet? I love you, Marie! Jackie had some errands he had to do in pville anyhow so he decided to come down and see me. I have to mention the errands otherwise I'd feel bad for having him come all the way here just to see me. My parents took me out to the cheesecake factory. That was fun and Yummy! While we were there my mom saw this stuffed penguin (for the chocolate tuxedo cream cheesecake) and bought it for me on the spot. She does that kind of thing a lot, if she ever sees something that reminds her of one of her kids, she immediately buys it for them. Isn't she sweet? Jackie came with us of course. He got to see firsthand where I got my nerdiness from by watching my brother and dad talk. My parents got me an electric blanket (Yay! I can finally be warm when I sleep) and a MP3 player. Those are nice. Jackie gave me the book " My Utmost for His Highest" before he left. (He had already gave me and installed a cd player for my car before he had to go back to SA for school to start) I was so sad when he left. He wasn't here nearly long enough. That was the good part of my bday. The bad part was the first part. I had a doctor appointment that morning. Not just any doctor, but an obgyn appointment. Not the best way to spend your bday, but I had no choice. It was there first available appointment so I had to take it. Then, on my way to class I got a call from kyle. Pissed me off to no end. I thought I was done dealing with him. He hadn't called since the last time I told him off and that was before Christmas (he always likes to ruin my holidays by calling me and insisting on seeing me). You would think that after someone told you to never call you again and to stop calling your parents that they would leave you alone. But not him. He called me and I was like "Why are you calling me?!" and he said "To tell you happy birthday" "I told you never to call me. WHY are you calling me!!?" "Because I'm a nice guy" "A nice guy would respect others. A nice guy wouldn't have treated me the way you did. A NICE GUY would leave someone ALONE after they have told you to stop calling them. So, WHY are you CALLING me!!!!!?????" "Because I'm a nice guy” I wish he would just leave me alone. Oh, and on top of all that, I was crazy stressed out from school. But the evening made up for the rest of the day. Yay for all those people in my life that can always make me smile!
So that next weekend (which would be last weekend) I went to SA to go to Marie's Superbowl Party. Too bad none of you other losers from Pville could come. The first night Marie and I went to this comedy thing. That was a lot of fun. A definite thing I'd like to do again. One of Marie's sisters got really drunk there, so after words we had to take care of her. It was so funny. I would be sitting there, not really saying anything and then she'd be like "Melissa" (No matter how many times we told her my name was Misty she still thought it was Melissa) "Melissa, you're so funny." Now keep in mind that I wasn't saying anything. "Melissa, you're my favorite friend” She had been saying that last part to Marie all night too. It was great. Then after Jackie got off work he came to pick me up. We went back to his apartment to wait for Marie to call us when she was ready (she was dying another one of her sister's hair) But she never called and we ended up just falling asleep. Have you ever tried to sleep in jeans recently? Not comfortable! So I kept on waking up and finally I decided to wake up Jackie to see if he had something else I could sleep in. I can't believe it, but he JUMPED out of bed just to go find me something. Isn't that sweet? I swear, he's too good to me. I can't thank him enough. All of y'all should be jealous. The next day we all went to eat at Gatti Land. We didn't have time to play any games there though (Marie had to hurry to work). It was still fun getting to hang out with those two. I swear, I get jealous of both of them anytime those two hang out together. I wish I could see them as often as they get to see each other, but the only way that would happen is if I moved to SA. I'm not going to move to SA, so I guess I'll just have to get used to it. After that it was homework time and Jackie got to see me at my worst. Stressed and frustrated. School tends to do that to me every so often. I snapped at him a few times (SORRY!) but he forgave me. After we had enough of that, we went to a movie. We saw Hide and Seek, it was ok. Then it was back to Marie's. Jackie left for work and I started on homework waiting for Marie to get off of work (which wasn't too much longer). Marie and I were going to go to a club with a bunch of her sisters, but on the way to pick them up Jackie called. He told me it made him feel weird that I was going to go to a club without him, but that I could go anyways. After much thought (I had plenty of time, we had to wait for Jess to get off work) I decided that I wouldn't go after all. So back to Marie's to do homework and wait for Jackie. Marie went ahead to the club with out me. I wish I could have spent time with Marie, but I didn't mind staying because I had a crap load of homework to get done. When Jackie got off work we cuddled and talked and just hung out until we fell asleep in Marie’s bed. Marie got home way late, and I don’t really remember her coming in. Jackie had work early the next day (like at 5 something I think) but his alarm never went off so he ended up being late. Somehow he managed not to get in trouble. I slept in way late. When I did finally decide to get up, Marie and I went to get some donuts. The donut lady knew instantly that we had been up late the night before (we went there in our pj’s looking really bad) and asked what club we had gone too. Haha, oh well, I don’t mind looking like crap in public every now and then. Finally, it was Sunday, Superbowl Sunday! So we went to the store (Jackie came with because he was off work by then) and bought all the fixing. Everyone helped cook. It was great. When the game was starting Jess and her bf came over and we all watched. After awhile, watching football starts to get to me. I don’t know exactly what it is, but it makes me all restless. So, that of course means I start acting weird. I think I embarrassed Jackie, but he can get over it. I’m not the only odd one in this relationship. When the game was over and it was finally time to go I was so sad. The weekend went by way to quick. Not enough time with Marie. Not enough time with Jackie. Sometimes I really wish I lived in SA so I could see them every day, or at least every week.
You already know about this week (see start of journal for daily run down) so I won’t go into detail there. Yesterday was fun though. I went to homegroup with my parents again. For those of you who don’t know, homegroup is a church thing, kinda like Sunday school, but people of all different ages and its in someone’s home and it has a lot more of just hanging out and forming friendships stuff. We’re reading “The Purpose Driven Life” and discussing it in there. It’s a really good book, highly recommended. One of the ladies there had brought a TON of vegetables. She was planning on making a tray for superbowl, but never did, so she had leftovers from that. Usually all the leftovers go to the family that’s hosting the homegroup, but they said that their family wouldn’t eat it so they gave it all to us. Now I think my parents are going to try to make me eat a bunch of vegetables. Yuck. Well, at least I really like the little tomatoes. Those are good! After I got home from that I got a call from Andy inviting me to come hang out with him and Tim and Joe and Ryan. I hadn’t seen these guys in like 3 months, so I decided that would be fun. So, I met them at Tim’s and we all hung out there for awhile just talking and stuff. I was really surprised by how much of the conversation was about college. For some reason, I just didn’t picture them as big school people. I guess it’s because every other time I’ve hung out with them it’s been over the summer, so school wasn’t ever on their mind. So much time can go by with those guys doing absolutely nothing and not even realize it. After awhile someone came up with the idea to go to whataburger. (I don’t know why, but every time I hang out with them, we always end up at a restaurant.) So, of course, we all went. When we were leaving Whataburger I decided it was time to go home so I told everyone bye (they were all going back to Tim’s). I think that was sometime around 2:30. I went over there around 11:30 thinking I was only going to stay for maybe 30 mins, or an hour tops. Oops. Of course, when I got home I had to call Jackie. I have no idea what time I ended up actually going to sleep.
This morning my mom woke me up around 8:30 crying. My dog beau (he’s about 14 yrs old) was stumbling around and falling over. He just couldn’t keep his balance. My mom decided to wake me up to say good bye to him just in case. They were going to take him to the vet as soon as they opened (9:00am). So I got up and went outside to love on him a little bit before they took him. He looked so cute in his little jacket that I had to take some pictures of him before they left. Who knows if I’d ever get another chance? The vet thinks that he might have a brain tumor. They don’t know how much longer he will last. Pray for him. Pray for my mom (she’s a lot more attached to him then I am). It’s really weird thinking he might die. I remember seeing him being born. But he is old for a dog, so he’s lived a long life.
Well, now that I hold the record for the longest journal entry ever, I think I’m about done. I hope this holds you over for the next month or so, because who knows when I’ll find the time to update this again. I love you guys. I think you are awesome and you need to call me so we can hang out sometime.