Oct 02, 2005 23:06
So I haven't updated for many moons- not that you guys actually read my posts, but hey, whatever!
Went to the cities this weekend (Drove past Hastings and thought of you, Danielle!!) It was pretty fun, despite being alone with Lynn's friends for a while. They seemed pretty cool to me. What else is new... Fall break is starting the 15th, and I hopefully am going to go home the next weekend too- Rocky Horror fri. or sat. night, anyone? (friday is better, but we'll talk, I'm sure) I am a little swamped with school work/ practicing, but not too badly. No romantic adventures, unless you count Pierre Ronaldo (imaginary). I've been missing all you non-Luther-people a lot lately, so if any of you get the urge to call or write, do it! Love to everyone, and that's it!