Memory ♰ 030 ♰ Video

Jul 08, 2011 23:21

Is there a reason why the house is empty? For like a day at least.

I mean all of their stuff is here. Even their journals, so they have to be around somewhere.

How hard is it to find three blondes and a bishop?

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[ACTION] and [FORWARD DATED till today] notakor July 12 2011, 06:07:47 UTC
[Beach trip. Days-long beach trip. With Shuri, Konatsu, and Hakuren. What in the world had he been thinking? Well, besides, "I need cheering up" and "Shuri needs cheering up" and "everyone needs a damned vacation", anyway.

Whatever the reason, Mikage is pretty wasted and out of touch when he wanders back into the house at the end of the trip, lazily dragging his bag along the floor. He beelines right for the bedroom, not expecting anyone else to be home yet.]


[ACTION] and [FORWARD DATED till today] pathtoseele July 12 2011, 06:14:42 UTC
[ sadly, that isn't going to happen. well. this not happening thing is Mikage coming back to an empty bed. nope.

there is one Teito Klein there. just sleeping for the time being.

not much else for him to do, since he hadn't really received much of an answer as to the whereabouts of his friends. ]


[ACTION] notakor July 13 2011, 01:28:41 UTC
[The bed isn't empty.

Teito's there. Teito's back. When did Teito get back!?

Wait, why is he asking questions when he could be lunging at the bed- clinging- making sure it's real-

And so that's just what he does, launching himself at his best friend and probably holding way too tightly.]

Teito... Teito...!


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 13 2011, 01:33:45 UTC
[ three days ago, idiot best friend.

Teito wakes up, startled, the moment that there's additional weight. not that he can even really react before arms are around him and oh god. it's tight! ]

Can't... Breathe!



[ACTION] notakor July 13 2011, 02:45:15 UTC
[Mikage's grip only tightens for a long moment, clinging desperately, before the words click in his mind and he loosens it hastily, lifting himself up with widened eyes.]

You're back! Are you okay!?


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 13 2011, 03:10:46 UTC
[ he takes a deeeeep breath after being let go, just staring up at Mikage. air is such a glorious thing. but... well he has to tease a little, right? ]

Besides my new broken spine? I'm okay.


[ACTION] notakor July 13 2011, 03:18:56 UTC
[Mikage's trying not to tremble, trying not to freak out, or cry even more than he already has, or... or anything too ridiculous. So when Teito says that, Mikage clings to it like he's clinging to Teito himself, laughing a bit tremulously. He's back. He's back. It's okay.]

Sorry... I guess I got a little too excited...


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 13 2011, 03:23:09 UTC
[ Teito takes all this in and his expression falls a little. Mikage mopes when he's not around. he's heard this before. then... then Teito up and left him. if it had been the other way around...

he doesn't care. this time it's Teito throwing his arms around Mikage. ]


[ACTION] notakor July 13 2011, 19:59:55 UTC
[And Mikage just keeps laughing, more sincerely this time, because if he doesn't laugh he's going to start crying again.]


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 14 2011, 06:34:40 UTC
[ after a moment... ]

Hey... Mikage?


[ACTION] notakor July 15 2011, 01:02:55 UTC
Yeah? What is it? [It's a mixture of joy, curiosity, and nervousness; he can't really help himself. How long has it been? Does Teito remember everything the same? He hasn't even checked yet...]


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 17 2011, 03:22:50 UTC
[ grabs both cheeks and streeeeetches his best friend's face. ]

Where were you these last two days?


[ACTION] notakor July 17 2011, 03:25:50 UTC
[....What. What. Mikage wiggles and lifts up, swatting down Teito's hands.] Hey, speak for yourself! Where've you been?


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 17 2011, 03:27:55 UTC
[ PINCHES but... lets go. ]

Fighting him. But I came back two days ago. The place was empty.


[ACTION] notakor July 17 2011, 03:48:15 UTC

[...Ah. That makes things more complicated, doesn't it.]

...We were... at the beach. Shuri's idea.


[ACTION] pathtoseele July 18 2011, 21:36:41 UTC
You.... Went to the beach?


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