Title: An Awkward Meeting
Fandoms: Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairings: implied Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Remus/Tonks
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: AU BtVS Season 8, AU Harry Potter Epilogue
Summary: The Scooby Gang abandoned Buffy first, and she paid them back in kind by living near the American Wizarding community, keeping the Soulless Vampires out of her hair and they keep the Muggle Authorities out of her hair. During the Tri-Wizard Competition of 2010, Buffy meets the Golden Trio after Harry has had an unsuccessful meeting with Rupert Giles.
Notes: Prompt Buffy - Witches
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is property of J.K. Rowling and BtVS is property of Joss Whedon.
Buffy Summers had never completely gotten over the betrayal of the Potentials and the Scoobies. After Sunnydale had fallen, there were too many arguments and Buffy had chosen to go her seperate ways. Dawn had opted to go with the other Scoobies as opposed with her own flesh and blood, her older sister. It hurt Buffy a great deal and so she settled in the small town of Athens, California with the help of Angel. Oddly enough it was a small town with several schools which included the Salem School: Athens Branch.
Buffy had met some real characters including a teen named Sasha, on the weekends she worked as a waitress at Buffy's favorite coffee shop. It was a normal weekend when Buffy walked into the coffee shop. There were more people than usual inside.
"Buffy!" A teen called, she was dressed in uniform. "The usual?"
"Yeah!" Buffy told her. It didn't escape her notice the strangely dressed people were giving her odd looks. She promptly ignored him.
Sasha was busy behind the counter getting Buffy's order done. "So what's with the gettup?" The Slayer asked.
"Oh we won last year's tournament and so we're hosting it again this year," Sasha said unrepetenantly.
"Bloody American, no sense at all, discussing things like that in public with a Muggle none the less."
Buffy turned around to glare at whoever was speaking, it was an older man with slick back blond hair, and dressed up in typical European Wizard garb. "What's your problem buddy?" She demanded.
"Is there a problem here?" A voince inquired. It was another man accompanied by a brunette, a red haired man with thinning hair a gaggle of children, the oldest being twelve years... And was that boy's hair, blue?
"Not at all Potter, just commenting the lack of commense sense these Muggles have."
Buffy was indeed lost.
However it was Sasha who piped in. "Buffy isn't a muggle! She's a Vampire Slayer. She keeps the soulless ones from getting out of control!" Sasha almost shouted.
"Sasha, it's okay," Buffy told the girl, trying to keep her calm. She had witnessed on more than one occassion.
"B-But that's not possible, even a Vampire Slayer couldn't get through the wards unless she was a witch," The brunette said.
The man with green eyes and black messy hair spoke coldly, "So the Watchers Council has you stationed here?"
"Psh, of course not," Buffy informed him. "We don't exactly get along. I refuse to jump through their hoops."
The three adults were looking at one another, as if in shock a Vampire Slayer willingly would refuse to be part of the Watcher's Council.
Draco was watching the scene with calculating eyes taking in the actions, clothes, and everything Buffy said or did.
"Okay, I have your coffe, bag of powdery doughnuts like you like them Buffy." Sasha said with a smile. "That will be five eighty-three."
"Good," Buffy said as she pulled out her wallet.
One of waitresses informed the wizards and witches standing there watching the scene. "If you're not going to buy anything, I suggest you leave, we have actual customers to serve."
Buffy paid nine dollars and said, "Keep the change." She took her coffee and bag sweet confection, leave a bewildered Golden Trio and gang behind.