The Fat Lady Has Not Sung [PG-13]

May 16, 2010 23:57

Title: The Fat Lady Has Not Sung
Author: pathsforme
Beta: jord-el
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen, AU, Dark, slight Crack
Summary: Sam has seen everything that's going to happen before stepping into that diner in All Hell Breaks Loose Part I and this time, he intends to bring Hell itself on its knees before it can hurt Dean.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural, Kripke does.
Warnings: Spoilers up to 5x22 “Swan Song”.
Author's Note: This is my gift to immortal-jedi for sammessiah's Fic Exchange.

As he raised his large fist to hit the man again, the light caught the eyes of the man and his attention was brought to the toy soldier in the back seat crammed into the arm rest. Flashes seemed to fill the man’s mind until control dropped to the true owner of the man, his clenched fist released and the other released the bruised and beaten man in front of them.

The man stumbled away breathing raggedly. “It’s okay Dean. I’m okay. I’ve got him.” He told the beaten man who was on the ground, resting against the Black Impala. It took him a few minutes before he began fishing an object from his right pants pocket, four rings melded together and tossed it onto the dead grass ground.

The large man began chanting in enochian but it happened so quickly, no one who survived could make out exactly what he was saying. Where the rings were, the ground began to sink until there was a hole and slowly it began to suck everything in. The large man turned to the beaten Dean and then back at the miniature black hole that devouring the cemetery. The two men exchanged glances as the larger man finally nodded and turned towards the hole again that was becoming larger.

A voice called away from them, “Sam!” It was a smaller man, younger than either of them who stood not three feet away from Sam. “It’s not going to end this way,” the man said with authority. “Step back.”

“You’re going to have to make me!” Sam snapped back at the man, resolved to do whatever he had to do.

“I have to fight my brother Sam,” the other man spoke in an as matter of factly tone. “Here and now, it’s my destiny.”

Sam turned towards the battered Dean and closed his eyes and raised his arms up. However, the nameless man ran towards him and grabbed onto his arms as to pull him back. Below both men, the ground began to come apart from under them.

Both of them lost their footing and fell into the inky blackness as the ground resealed itself above them, closing the door.

Sam snapped up in his bed breathing hard. For a moment he thought he was in Hell, trapped. That was until he groped around and found a light switch. He surveyed the room and found himself whole, everything was in one piece. In the second bed not five feet away was his brother, sleeping peacefully. Dean looked younger.

“It was just a dream, please let it just be a dream,” He muttered as he stumbled off the bed and towards the bathroom. However, it was an empty belief, he had had visions before, not so vivid but he knew one when he saw one. He felt the migraine starting to build around his eyes and idly wondered if Dean stashed enough alcohol to dull the memories.

Sam turned the faucet on and placed his hands in it and splashed water in his face hoping the pain would just go away. It wasn’t as painful as the demon blood withdrawal symptoms. Now that had been true agony.

“Sammy?” A voice called.

Sam turned towards the source of the voice, Dean. “Yeah?” He answered.

“You alright?” His older brother asked.

“Yeah, just a headache.” Sam told him.

It was, ‘just a headache’ that sounded off warning bells in Dean as he hurried towards his brother. “What did you see?” Dean demanded.

“Nothing, just a nightmare.” Sam said.

Dean was so much younger than the Dean Sam had hit in the last bit of the vision. “Damn it Sammy, I thought we went through this already.” He demanded. “Now what did you see?”

Sam didn’t want to tell him, didn’t want to say what had happened, inside his mind he could hear an older Dean in Hell screaming out for him on the racks. “Everything,” He said, tears welling up. Oh he wanted to die at the images of what was going to happen, he couldn’t handle how the world was going to turn out.

“Sam?” Dean asked, his voice softer, worried.

“I know what the Yellow Eyed Demon’s plans are now,” He told his brother. “We’re not going to get out of this Dean.”

“Bull shit,” Dean declared. “Now tell me what you saw.” He wanted to know exactly what his brother saw and he wanted to know it now. He gripped his brother’s arm.

“We got to a diner and the Yellow Eyed Demon, Azazel grabbed me, slaughtering everyone inside. I wake up in Cold Oak with Andy, Ava, a woman named Lily, and marine named Jake who snatched from Afghanistan. We end up fighting one another and Jake ends up stabbing me in the back right in front of you.” Sam told his brother and saw something there that he had seen in the vision, over and over. Gabriel was right, they sacrificed themselves for each other over and over and they were one another’s weaknesses.

It was several minutes before Dean could even muster the ability to speak. “Did it feel like your other visions?” He asked, his voice reminding Sam briefly of the other Dean, the one that had lost him to Lucifer and who he had killed.

Sam nodded shakily. “But that’s not all and I’m not going to let it happen again,” Sam said with vehemence. He left it unspoken, ‘Even if I have to become the very thing we hunt in order to protect you.’

They didn’t get a lot of sleep after that, or any, to be precise. The following night, Dean had decided that they needed to eat. Sam was asleep in the passenger seat, unconscious from the overwhelming need to sleep.

Dean pushed his arm. “Dude, you need to eat something.” He said and watched as his brother came to and watched as he seemed to be startled at the scenery before him. “Dean, this is the diner from the vision,” He said numbly as he felt his blood run cold.

Dean was quick to put his baby in reverse. Like hell was he going to lose Sam to the thing that had taken their mom and dad.

“Dean,” Sam told his brother. “There are people inside that Diner, we need to get them out or Azazel is going to kill them regardless.” He informed his brother.

“And what about you?” Dean demanded.

“In the vision I went inside to get your burger with extra onions and pie by myself. This time, we go together, and give everyone a fighting chance.” Sam told him.

Dean stopped where he was put the car in drive, parking back into place. “We go in smart,” Dean said. “Or we don’t go in at all.” He climbed out of the car and slammed the door, as did Sam, and they approached the diner.

Sam was already preparing himself for the worst, but as they stepped into the diner their vision went black.

Hours later, Sam awoke on the cold wet ground. He stood up and turned. “Cold Oak,” and for a second closed his eyes before he remembered what had happened. “Dean! Dean!” He called out. There was no reply. “I never should have told him anything!” He yelled to no one in particular.

Sam wasn’t sure what to do, he didn’t like not knowing that one event may have taken Dean away from Sam prematurely. He took a mental list of who he interacted with here in Cold Oak. Andy. Eva. Lily. Jake. Andy… “He can help me find Dean,” He decided, as he had known he had done it before.

“Hello!” He called out hoping someone would hear him, Andy most especially. He knew Eva was locked up for the moment, he would deal with her later. If he had to, he would use all of them, as lieutenants if he had to to prevent the Apocalypse and take over Hell.

Sam began to hear something as he approached the doors on one side of the town and jiggled the handle. He took notice of a board near a door and picked it up, his mind remembering exactly what had happened. As the sound became closer, it was distinct sound of footsteps. Sam readied himself to startle Andy but not hurt him, just like before. As the figure came closer, Sam swun and watched as Andy came to view and raised his hands to protect himself.

“Ahh!” Andy screamed.

“Andy?” Sam feigned confusion.

Andy felt realization hit as his back hit the wall and his assailant dropped the wooden object, at least he thought it was a wooden object. “Sam?” He asked as he looked at the much taller man. “What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Where are we?”

“Just calm down,” Sam told the man.

“I can’t calm down! I’m in friggin frontier land,” He said as he covered his face, the stress building.

“What was the last thing you remember?”

“Honestly?” Andy asked, his eyes closed as he tried to gain control. “My fourth bong load. It was weird, there was a really intense smell.”

“Like sulfur?” Sam asked.

“How did you know that?” Andy asked.

Like clockwork, he muttered, “Dean.”

“Is he here?” Andy said as he turned, looking for the older Winchester that had the bitchin ride.

“I don’t know,” He said pitifully, and it was true. It was why he was going to need Andy’s help.

Then the both of them stopped where they were as they heard a loud banging and a women screaming.

The both of them moved away from where they were and followed the source of the sound. The both of them came towards an old wooden building with a lock on it. “It’s okay we’re going to get you out,” Sam informed the person. “Just hold on a second,” He told them. He saw the rock on the ground not too far away from his foot but he clenched his fist. Sam raised his hand and focused on the lock, it unlocked and fell to the ground with a thud.

The woman from behind the door had already started crying and revealed to be who Sam had thought it was, “Ava?”

“Oh my god, Sam,” She exclaimed and ran right at him.

‘If she had Ruby’s knife, I think she would have killed me,’ He thought to himself as he awkwardly held her.

“I guess you guys know each other,” Andy said awkwardly.

“How did you-- How did I?” Ava asked.

Sam didn’t have time for this, he knew he had little time to convince them to side with him, to strike against Azazel and train them up so they were prepared to take over Hell. “Ava that’s enough,” Sam said, his tone no longer that of concern. “You’ve been here since you disappeared, haven’t you? Fighting to survive.” Sam said, his eyes showing a little less humanity than there had been minutes ago.

“Sam, what are you talking about?” Ava said and witnessed Sam’s glare. “So you know, least I don’t have to pretend to be weak little Ava for long. Always a pain.”

“She’s the bad guy?” Andy asked backing up.

“No,” Sam said. “She’s just been doing what Yellow Eyes wants.”

“Yellow Eyes?” Andy asked, his voice shakily.

“A demon,” Eva declared.

“Wait-Are you saying demons are real?” Andy asked.

“No, duh,” Ava said. “So we should get this fight started.”

“We’re not going to fight, Ava. We’re going to find the others here and sit down and talk.” Sam said in a as-matter-of-factly tone. He stood between Ava and Andy, not willing to let Ava kill Andy a second time for no reason.

“There are demons??” Andy still not able to get over that concept.

“Yeah, there’s a demon here that Ava summoned,” Sam said. “Didn’t you?”

“How did you--?” Ava asked.

“Remember, I sometimes get visions,” He commented.

“Fine, so what now?” Ava asked. “We going to go and say, killing is wrong, that we should stick together and kill the Yellow Eyed Demon?”

“No, we’re going to stick together and get out of this alive and make sure Lilly and Jake do too. But the moment you attempt to go after any of them Ava, I will do to you what you did to all those poor people who were forced into this.” Sam threatened and raised his hand towards the door and a force seemed to be expelled from his hand and smashed the door into small splinters.

Ava jumped back and screamed in surprise.

“Woah,” Andy said. “You couldn’t do that before!”

“I know,” Sam stated. “Are we agreed, Ava?” He asked.

“Sure, whatever,” She said nodding, she hadn’t seen anyone else do that before and the other special kids had some real destructive powers. Ava intended to find up what Samuel Winchester was up to and what kind of enemy he was.

“Hey, is anyone there?” A voice called, it was very faint.

Sam lead the way with Andy right next to him.

“Can we trust her?” Andy asked.

“Right now? No. You know that old saying, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?” Sam asked and watched Andy nod numbly as they jogged past several buildings until Sam saw the familiar face of Jake Talley.

“Hey! You guys alright?” Sam called as he stood before the familiar people. Lily had originally died at Ava’s hands, well the Triga demon’s hands but that didn’t matter. Sam intended to save Lily. He intended to save Jake too, begrudgingly but still he intended to do it.

Jake looked between the people that had appeared, a woman behind him. “Think so,” his first word coming out shakily.

“I’m Sam,” He introduced.

“I’m Jake.” The African American man announced.

“Lily.” The blond haired woman announced.

Andy’s eyes went as big as saucers. Sam had been right, Jake and Lily.

“How did we even get here? A minute ago, I was in San Diego.” Lily asked.

“If it makes you feel any better, I fell asleep last night in Afghanistan.” Jake offered the smaller woman.

“Let me take a wild guess, you two are twenty three?” Sam asked.

“We all are, we all have abilities,” He began reciting the lines he remembered.

“Cut the crap Sam.” Ava interrupted. “Easing them into this situation isn’t going to do any of us any good. If they don’t accept what reality is, they’ll end up dead by what’s in the forest.”

“What is she talking about?” Lily demanded.

Sam shot Ava a glare. “We were brought here by a demon,” Sam said turning his attention on them.

Lily scoffed at the idea.

“A demon,” Jake said incredulously. “No such thing.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Andy said.

“Who are you?” Jake asked.

“Andy.” The smaller man said.

“Ava,” The petite brunette commented.

Dean felt frustrated, he had lost sight of his little brother and it had made him shake when he had finally come to. He wasn’t about to let any demon have Sam, no matter what it took. He would go through Hell itself to get his little brother back.

“Is there something you haven’t told me boy?” Bobby demanded.

“Sam had a new vision, in it… He died, killed right in front of me.” Dean told him. “And it’s happening now, we have to hurry and get to Sam.” He began moving towards the driver’s side as he finally remembered something. “Cold Oak, Sam said he was taken to Cold Oak.”

“You sure?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah.” He said opening the car door and slamming it behind him once he was seated. He didn’t hesitate in starting up the engine while Bobby hurried into his own car and began following Dean who was like a man possessed.

The special kids were now gathered around a table. After Ava had tried to send the Tringa after Lily, she was currently slumped in her chair with a black bruise forming on right eye thanks to Sam.

“So what now?” Andy asked.

“We use this time to learn to control our powers.” Sam said in a tone that demanded acceptance.

“No,” Lily said shaking her head. She had narrowly escaped the demon Ava had set after thanks to Sam but she didn’t want to learn to control this power, she wanted it gone.

“Lily, you have to. Think of it this way, once you know how to control it, you won’t have to worry about hurting anyone any more.” Sam confided. He heard no reply.

“Sam, I can feel it, Dean is coming this way now.” Andy confided.

“Still holding on to the receipt?” Sam asked.

“Yeah,” Andy said.

“What does this, Azazel want from us?” Jake asked.

“Be his General for his army and for us to kill each other.” Sam told them. “We’re not going to do either.”

“Then what?” Lily asked.

“Band together and put him in the darkest cage in Hell right next to Lucifer.” Sam declared.

A weak laugh came from Eva’s lips. “You’ve got to be kidding… Lucifer?” Ava asked.

“Yes, the devil. We’re going to make sure he stays in his cage too.” Sam declared. “By any means necessary.”

“And what if we don’t want to join in this crusade?” Jake asked. “I can get you back where you need to be if you think this is too dangerous. “

Sam had already made a conscious decision, Hell was about to get what they wanted by not how they had wanted it. They would get him but the Devil was staying his cage, Lilith was staying in Hell too.

A deep voice chuckled. “Well now, isn’t this different?” the voice interrupted causing the group to stand up.

“Azazel,” Sam said at least acknowledging him.

“Someone has been doing his homework,” The yellow eyed demon said with a smirk. “But this won’t do at all.”

“Actually, I think it will,” Sam said as a truly malicious expression crept up on his face. As he raised his right hand, the room was engulfed in a white light. Sam knew it wouldn’t effect Azazel, it was a cheap parlor trick in this situation but it gave him time.

When the light settled, Eva had unshielded her puffy eye and good eye. Jake was holding a laughing Azazel against the wall and Andy and Lily were still in shock as they fallen to the floor during the white light ray gun was released.

“Learned some new tricks, have we ?” He said the smell of charred flesh filled the room, a mark on Azazel’s arm, binding the demon to the flesh. “And you ripped out the soul too. Why?”

“Because, he’s suffered enough and with what we’re going to do to you, I don’t want him to feel a single ounce of pain.” Sam declared, his voice malicious and without remorse. His thoughts surrounded what had been done to his brother and that he intended for none of it to ever happen this time around.

Outside the Saloon, two car engines turned off.

“And how are you going to explain this Deano and that old Hunter friend of yours?” Azazel asked.

“We always have to give up something,” Sam said as the two Hunters in question rushed into the room.

“Sammy!” Dean said.

“Hey Dean,” Sam said as Jake held the demon, adjusting his grip.

“What’s going on, Sam?” Bobby demanded, his gun pointed at the demon.

“We’re taking care of a demon problem,” Sam said plainly. He turned towards the two most important people in his life and felt tears fall. “I’m sorry,” Sam told them. His eyes locked with brother’s.

Sheer terror filled Dean, he was going to lose his brother. “No, no, no,” Dean told him and gripped his brother’s arm. “You and me, us against them,” He directed his head towards the Yellow Eyed Demon.

“I know, but it’s not that simple Dean, not anymore. They’ll find another way to get to us, start the end of the world.”

“Then we’ll stop it, please Sammy.”

A voice chuckled. “You don’t have what it takes.” Azazel spoke. “Sammy does though, in spades.” He said, his movement confined by Jake.

“It’s time to go,” Sam said, Dean had a firm grip on his brother’s shoulder. He didn’t want to take Dean to Hell; it was the last thing he wanted.

“Then I’m coming with you,” Dean declared.

Realization dawned on Bobby’s face and he shook his head. He wasn’t about to let these two Idjits do what he thought they were doing, right? Sam was just handing himself over to the demons. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” Bobby declared.

“Someone has to watch out for you,” Dean said to his brother. He would stand by him, no matter what.

“I’m sorry Bobby,” Sam said, his voice breaking as much as his heart was for Bobby, the man who had been like a father to him, more than John Winchester had been.

It was then, the room was engulfed in blinding white light again, and this time, the only thing left was Bobby Singer, alive and staring into the dimly lit room with only the smell of burnt skin and sulfur.

character: andy gallagher, character: bobby singer, type: fic, character: lucifer, character: lily, character: dean winchester, character: azazel, series: long live the king, rating: pg-13, character: jake talley, character: sam winchester, character: ava wilson

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