Aug 28, 2007 11:06
I read my previous journal entry. I'm well aware that I made it public, but everything about my past is a part of me and I'm a part of everything that I have come in contact with in my life. I am a part of all who I have met and it's not something to try to make allowances for or excuses or hide who I am. I will not have skeletons in my closet and I will not hide from the prejudices of humanity any longer. I am who I am and if I can't be accepted from it by certain individuals or groups than those individuals and groups can bite me. We are all part of this sea of consciousness and no man is an island unto himself no matter how much we'd like to think, no matter how much we try to build this wall around ourselves and it's time to become lost amongst it all, to lose ourselves amongst all of it. Yes there is pain in the world, sadness, dying, loneliness, hatred, angst and negativity but there is also love, pleasure, sanctity, peace, goodness and harmony. And, I refuse that there is no more or less of one than the other and to open the flood gates to one is to open the flood gates to the other, the dark is all mixed into the light and even if there is only black and white it's all there and it's what it means to be human and to live.